i really at the edge of going mad le. stupid frm. dun even know what that person is teaching loh. stupid. hate.
hopefully i survive tomorrow. hopefully i manage to squeeze something into my tiny little brain. i dun wanna get a c....
hope teddy get all As tomorrow... he deserve the best.. he takes all my stupidness, unreasonable thinking, what my shit... so ya, he deserve A!!! esp in bio and english!
really wanna go crazy le. i know i shouldnt be thinking of such a thing after so long. but habits die hard ar. i know its never going to happen. never mind, i not making sense here. only i know what i thinking...
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Monday, February 27, 2006
Tomorrow is the start of my exam which will last for two days. And yet, I still can happily come and blog this entry! -_-!!
Just bored. Bored of staying at home, bored of staring at my notes, bored of not about to shop.
Nothing much to look forward to after the exam. Lene flying off to indonesia, so will be going out with jim and ju ming when they free, then find sec sch friend go out, find job, thats about it. Only when lene comes back, the main part will start! lolz.
Wont be online from wednesday onwards. Sending my lappy to get it fix. So ya, you all know how 'fast' toshiba is in their customer service.
Korean trip is being confrimed. My mum going down to pay the fees today.
Need to see skin doc after exam, bring my grandma to get med, find some money to spend, books to read, vcds to watch.
Have this urge to buy plates and bowls. lolz.
must get job, so i can buy my 7370. my mum never object when i told her its 300plus currently. lolz.. think changing phone when the price drop ba, if not will just stick to my k700.
good luck for a-level students on getting ur results!!!!
good luck to poly people on exams!!! lolz..
Just bored. Bored of staying at home, bored of staring at my notes, bored of not about to shop.
Nothing much to look forward to after the exam. Lene flying off to indonesia, so will be going out with jim and ju ming when they free, then find sec sch friend go out, find job, thats about it. Only when lene comes back, the main part will start! lolz.
Wont be online from wednesday onwards. Sending my lappy to get it fix. So ya, you all know how 'fast' toshiba is in their customer service.
Korean trip is being confrimed. My mum going down to pay the fees today.
Need to see skin doc after exam, bring my grandma to get med, find some money to spend, books to read, vcds to watch.
Have this urge to buy plates and bowls. lolz.
must get job, so i can buy my 7370. my mum never object when i told her its 300plus currently. lolz.. think changing phone when the price drop ba, if not will just stick to my k700.
good luck for a-level students on getting ur results!!!!
good luck to poly people on exams!!! lolz..
Saturday, February 25, 2006

my current affair.
cl's fault. say she in love with 6111 then i go see, ended up looking at 7370. lolz. Its too damn chio to look like a phone. Its an accessory! I never love k750 so much even. After k700, this is the only phone I like so much. But then, the price is very nice also. $300 plus currently. Just like when k700 just came out. Will I be able to get my hands on them, I wonder. At the same time, I really have some reserve of changing back to Nokia, but then again, Sony Ericsson doesnt have any nice phone now, they keep coming out with 3G phones only! Stupid.
Human desire for beauty will never change. Not even after another zillion years.
p.s had another cha siew bao today. =X

my current affair.
cl's fault. say she in love with 6111 then i go see, ended up looking at 7370. lolz. Its too damn chio to look like a phone. Its an accessory! I never love k750 so much even. After k700, this is the only phone I like so much. But then, the price is very nice also. $300 plus currently. Just like when k700 just came out. Will I be able to get my hands on them, I wonder. At the same time, I really have some reserve of changing back to Nokia, but then again, Sony Ericsson doesnt have any nice phone now, they keep coming out with 3G phones only! Stupid.
Human desire for beauty will never change. Not even after another zillion years.
p.s had another cha siew bao today. =X

Monster Bao. *lolz*
My mum created this monster. Had this craving for cha siew bao since yesterday night. So just now while watching tv with my mum at 9pm, I song the bao bao song which is made up of all the bao you can name on this earth to her. Then she 'cursed' me that tonight while I'm sleeping, lots and lots of bao-s will rain onto me. Evil right? Where got mum like that curse her own daughter de?
After thinking of lots and lots of ways to get my hands on cha siew bao, the fastest and only way is to get my dad to buy home from JP. Just nice, his call came from JP. So ya, got my bao. 2 somemore!!! wahahaha... *xin fu*
cant sleep even though i'm tired... haizz..

Monster Bao. *lolz*
My mum created this monster. Had this craving for cha siew bao since yesterday night. So just now while watching tv with my mum at 9pm, I song the bao bao song which is made up of all the bao you can name on this earth to her. Then she 'cursed' me that tonight while I'm sleeping, lots and lots of bao-s will rain onto me. Evil right? Where got mum like that curse her own daughter de?
After thinking of lots and lots of ways to get my hands on cha siew bao, the fastest and only way is to get my dad to buy home from JP. Just nice, his call came from JP. So ya, got my bao. 2 somemore!!! wahahaha... *xin fu*
cant sleep even though i'm tired... haizz..
Friday, February 24, 2006
Thursday, February 23, 2006
S. Korean, going there soon. 2 months later I will be there. Choosen mid of april to go, to see cherry blossom. Heard its white cherry blosoom there. Japan's was pink cherry blossom. Was so high since my mum confrimed with me which tour to go to. Then just saw another tour group, so got to compare between them again tomorrow. *xin fu*
However, my brother is kind of upset able it. His last trip with my mum was to Hong Kong. After that my mum never bring him oversea already. And that was the only trip my mum never bring me along. But after that I did went there a few years later. Then its to japan, the first trip my bro never went to. Laos trip with school, and now korean! lalalala.
I earned it myself k? If I was like him, my mum wouldnt even think of going oversea. But then, I guess after this trip, the next one would be more than a year later. Unless my mum bear to spend money to go Japan again. After that, it would be out of Asia, whereby I have to pay at least half of the expenditure myself.
Cant wait to go. But first, have to get a job. If not, I really dont have much to spend next sem. =D Around five hundred bucks would be nice. At least. One thousand would mean expenditure for one year.
Feel so lucky. Doesnt have to pay for my school fee, but of course, in return, have to help in household expenses. *xin fu*
Watched 'The Myth' today again. Touched by it all over again! O ya, JJ new cd is out. Maybe should get it. Ya, still like him alot.
Told my mum that the most 1 year after I grad, have to get another laptop. Then she asked me to pay myself.. -_-!!
*came out with a new dish today* wish i can cook for more people next time and my cooking skill will improve! creating more dishes.. but the food i cook, is for family meals. haha...
However, my brother is kind of upset able it. His last trip with my mum was to Hong Kong. After that my mum never bring him oversea already. And that was the only trip my mum never bring me along. But after that I did went there a few years later. Then its to japan, the first trip my bro never went to. Laos trip with school, and now korean! lalalala.
I earned it myself k? If I was like him, my mum wouldnt even think of going oversea. But then, I guess after this trip, the next one would be more than a year later. Unless my mum bear to spend money to go Japan again. After that, it would be out of Asia, whereby I have to pay at least half of the expenditure myself.
Cant wait to go. But first, have to get a job. If not, I really dont have much to spend next sem. =D Around five hundred bucks would be nice. At least. One thousand would mean expenditure for one year.
Feel so lucky. Doesnt have to pay for my school fee, but of course, in return, have to help in household expenses. *xin fu*
Watched 'The Myth' today again. Touched by it all over again! O ya, JJ new cd is out. Maybe should get it. Ya, still like him alot.
Told my mum that the most 1 year after I grad, have to get another laptop. Then she asked me to pay myself.. -_-!!
*came out with a new dish today* wish i can cook for more people next time and my cooking skill will improve! creating more dishes.. but the food i cook, is for family meals. haha...
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
Second day of not stepping out of the house! Ok, I did step out once, to buy corn flour.
Actually, didnt plan to cook lemon chicken today, but my brother wanted me to, so ended up frying the chicken. Was pretty piss when he refuse to go down to buy corn flour, my house doesnt have any. The worst part is not he refusing, is he refusing to even answer me! What the fuck. I have to cook, have to study for my exam, and there you are just playing game and wasting time. Why cant you just walk down and get me the flour and you are the one who asked me to cook this.
Went down and pretty much cooled off. And I realized something. I actually measured the wrong amount of flour! From, 150g, somehow I measured till 25g. And I still happily measured for 4 shares. Wasted some flour. Blur right? This is the second time I measured something wrongly for cooking/ baking. Luckily realized it early.
Dinner came out pretty good. Esp the chicken. Abit like the taiwanese fried chicken. The sacuse went very well with the chicken too. =D
If your mum not free to cook right, can consider hiring me to cook dinner for you! Max 10 people. lolz. If no need I do the washing, the rate will be cheaper, if need, then more expensive. haha.
when you take away my make-ups and clothings, you will be able to see what i have under those vanity, under the 'spoilt' me.
when you do that, i'm just a girl who has everything on the surface, but actually there's nothing much i have.
when you realize that, you will know that i cook and stay at home because of her, she whom is growing older every minute.
under all the make-ups, clothings, accessories, i'm still just a normal girl.
one who cant really handle things by herself, yet, she has no choice but to do so...
Actually, didnt plan to cook lemon chicken today, but my brother wanted me to, so ended up frying the chicken. Was pretty piss when he refuse to go down to buy corn flour, my house doesnt have any. The worst part is not he refusing, is he refusing to even answer me! What the fuck. I have to cook, have to study for my exam, and there you are just playing game and wasting time. Why cant you just walk down and get me the flour and you are the one who asked me to cook this.
Went down and pretty much cooled off. And I realized something. I actually measured the wrong amount of flour! From, 150g, somehow I measured till 25g. And I still happily measured for 4 shares. Wasted some flour. Blur right? This is the second time I measured something wrongly for cooking/ baking. Luckily realized it early.
Dinner came out pretty good. Esp the chicken. Abit like the taiwanese fried chicken. The sacuse went very well with the chicken too. =D
If your mum not free to cook right, can consider hiring me to cook dinner for you! Max 10 people. lolz. If no need I do the washing, the rate will be cheaper, if need, then more expensive. haha.
when you take away my make-ups and clothings, you will be able to see what i have under those vanity, under the 'spoilt' me.
when you do that, i'm just a girl who has everything on the surface, but actually there's nothing much i have.
when you realize that, you will know that i cook and stay at home because of her, she whom is growing older every minute.
under all the make-ups, clothings, accessories, i'm still just a normal girl.
one who cant really handle things by herself, yet, she has no choice but to do so...
Just realize something, I rarely wear black nowadays. Actually for quite some time already. Then keep wearing white colour. Must stock up on my tops already. Time to throw old ones out and get new tops in. Need at least 2 new spag, and tops to go with my skirts. lalalala...
craving for lots and lots of food... bbq fish, spring roll, 1/2 fried dumplings, jap ramen, sotong, kfc, fish. lots and lots of food...
craving for lots and lots of food... bbq fish, spring roll, 1/2 fried dumplings, jap ramen, sotong, kfc, fish. lots and lots of food...
Monday, February 20, 2006
Watched finished the latest Bleach before going out. And guess what, I'm in love again! This time with the turtle soft toy in the anime that Chad used to put the soul ball (dont know that exactly that is called. lolz) in. SO CUTE!!!!! Its like really so cute! Then he got no mouth, then in human form he's already is those cool cool type of guy, then put into such a cute soft toy with no mouth! O my... Melted. If only they got sell that soft toy, I sure buy! So cute!!!!!!!
Wore my longest skirt out today. Then lene say I wear till very cute today. haha. Who knows, all of us wore pink top today! haha. Never say beforehand 1 hor.
Went to watch 'The Fog' today. Highly recommended. Its a horror/ scary movie. Worth the price. Super worth. And the storyline also very good. Way better than House of Wax. Everything started when they built the statues of the forefathers. But ended up, is the forefathers who murdered the people who had bought the land, so the deads returned back to the island in the fog for revenge. Really wonderful movie. Go watch go watch. 4.5/5.
Actually planned to have dinner at marina, but everyone was kind of full, so went to jurong west for bbq fish. At first we ordered just 1 fish and 1 vege, but ended up the fish got eaten up less than 5minutes it arrived, so ordered another 1. So the four of us ate a total of 2 fish, 1 plate of vege, 1 plate of rojak and 7 cups of water. haha. The fish is so damn heavenly! The meat is so tender and white, layered with spicy chilli and cooked with the right heat and time. YUMMY!!!!! So so so so so so shiok!!!! Its like the wind is blowing, then eating spicy hot fish, wow... Best for supper. Both red wine and white wine would be great to go with it. Red wine coze of the strong taste of the chilli, white wine for the sweetness to soften the spicy-ness of the chilli! HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope jimmy faster buy car, then can drive us go eat whenever he wants supper. haha.
Everyone ate till so full and xin fu! haha.
And then after today, its time to stay at home for 7days... haiz... The price I have to pay... sob sob..
i'm like so in love with turtle now!! any kind of turtle... i also like!
O ya, ate lemon favour ice cream today at taka. Dont know why, whenever I eat something sour now, no matter how sour, to me, there's still sweetness in them. Love that taste. =)
i love lemon and turtle..
Wore my longest skirt out today. Then lene say I wear till very cute today. haha. Who knows, all of us wore pink top today! haha. Never say beforehand 1 hor.
Went to watch 'The Fog' today. Highly recommended. Its a horror/ scary movie. Worth the price. Super worth. And the storyline also very good. Way better than House of Wax. Everything started when they built the statues of the forefathers. But ended up, is the forefathers who murdered the people who had bought the land, so the deads returned back to the island in the fog for revenge. Really wonderful movie. Go watch go watch. 4.5/5.
Actually planned to have dinner at marina, but everyone was kind of full, so went to jurong west for bbq fish. At first we ordered just 1 fish and 1 vege, but ended up the fish got eaten up less than 5minutes it arrived, so ordered another 1. So the four of us ate a total of 2 fish, 1 plate of vege, 1 plate of rojak and 7 cups of water. haha. The fish is so damn heavenly! The meat is so tender and white, layered with spicy chilli and cooked with the right heat and time. YUMMY!!!!! So so so so so so shiok!!!! Its like the wind is blowing, then eating spicy hot fish, wow... Best for supper. Both red wine and white wine would be great to go with it. Red wine coze of the strong taste of the chilli, white wine for the sweetness to soften the spicy-ness of the chilli! HEAVEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope jimmy faster buy car, then can drive us go eat whenever he wants supper. haha.
Everyone ate till so full and xin fu! haha.
And then after today, its time to stay at home for 7days... haiz... The price I have to pay... sob sob..
i'm like so in love with turtle now!! any kind of turtle... i also like!
O ya, ate lemon favour ice cream today at taka. Dont know why, whenever I eat something sour now, no matter how sour, to me, there's still sweetness in them. Love that taste. =)
i love lemon and turtle..
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Burnt myself again today while cooking. The first time since the accident with my thumb. Till now I still abit scare when hot oil starts to 'jumping' out. The temperature is enough to cook meat, and its oil. Imagine.
DIY french mani again. lolz. See, save $27. Took slightly less than 1 hour today.
Watched finished Lovers in Paris yesterday night at 1am plus. Cried during the last 2 disc till dunno like what. Its so touching, painful, funny and happy all at the same time. Its so painful...
Going out tomorrow with lene they all. Finally got to go out with them.. Must really enjoy it. Then will have to stay home for the next 1week.
DIY french mani again. lolz. See, save $27. Took slightly less than 1 hour today.
Watched finished Lovers in Paris yesterday night at 1am plus. Cried during the last 2 disc till dunno like what. Its so touching, painful, funny and happy all at the same time. Its so painful...
Going out tomorrow with lene they all. Finally got to go out with them.. Must really enjoy it. Then will have to stay home for the next 1week.
Saturday, February 18, 2006
2 more chapters to go for PYM notes. Considering to write or not since onli need to study 4 questions. Maybe choose 1 more to write ba. Just in case.
CRM test today. Basically today just go to school for that test. Waste my bus fare.. go school hvnt 1 hour go home le. lolz. Still alright I guess. At the very least, I think wont pull my marks too much.
4 papers gone. 2 full papers to go. What I worry now is FRM. Dont wanna get a C for it, dont wish for it to pull down my GPA.
Tried a new way of cooking chicken today. Pretty good. The whole pot finished. Or rather, there hadnt been any leftover of food for this whole week! Coze I cook what. lolz. lalalala.
had this nightmare 2 nights ago. the feeling of being lost, helpless. its so scary.
Gonna relax this weekend... havnt plan for the menu next week! and i have to shop for the stuffs tomorrow! argh...
2 more chapters to go for PYM notes. Considering to write or not since onli need to study 4 questions. Maybe choose 1 more to write ba. Just in case.
CRM test today. Basically today just go to school for that test. Waste my bus fare.. go school hvnt 1 hour go home le. lolz. Still alright I guess. At the very least, I think wont pull my marks too much.
4 papers gone. 2 full papers to go. What I worry now is FRM. Dont wanna get a C for it, dont wish for it to pull down my GPA.
Tried a new way of cooking chicken today. Pretty good. The whole pot finished. Or rather, there hadnt been any leftover of food for this whole week! Coze I cook what. lolz. lalalala.
had this nightmare 2 nights ago. the feeling of being lost, helpless. its so scary.
Gonna relax this weekend... havnt plan for the menu next week! and i have to shop for the stuffs tomorrow! argh...
Friday, February 17, 2006
Been having nightmares for the past nights. A week maybe. And its not like 1 nightmare a night, its at least 2, sometimes even three. And each time I find myself struggling to 'leave' the nightmare, at times, even wake up from shockness of it and got scared. And whenever all these happened, I cant get a good night sleep and thus ending up getting tired very easily. Can just sleep the whole way to school, something which only happens when I'm too damn tired.
Nowadays have to cook dinner too, due to my grandma. Eversince the minor operation on her hand, my little affair with cooking start, which has strings attached to it. And everyday, its increasing only. So ya, I guess I will be a pretty good cooker next time ba, lolz, got people wanna intro to me? haha.
From wanting a wonderful career, now I want to be someone working in the kitchen, cooking meals for my family. lolz. How life can make you change. haha. But hey, I still like to shop, I'm still just a 18-years-old girl, just that I have to cook dinner for at least 7 people whenever I end school early.
Just finished 3 tests today, pretty good I guess. One more for tomorrow, and yet, I havnt study for it. See my luck le ba.
Been watching 'Lovers in Paris' for this whole week, another 7 disc to go. So funny, so touching, so heart warming, and so heart breaking. In a love triangle, there bound to be someone who get hurt, and that person, is bound to change to another personality because of this. Something that is showing in the vcd. Dont think too deep into it. He really very ke lian, gave all he got to her, but she returned everything back to him. Then in the end, he became kind of heartless. But her, who loves another guy and that guy loves her back, got the courage to marry him not matter what, no matter how others object, how others look at her. He, who never been in love before, never ask anyone for a favour before, coze of her, smiled, and knew how to love, care and get jealous.
Hopefully I can get the vcd from korean. Cant wait to fly over there. For me to re-charge. Mum dun let me go study trip in june, if not will be flying 2 times. argh. Nvm ba. =D
Nowadays have to cook dinner too, due to my grandma. Eversince the minor operation on her hand, my little affair with cooking start, which has strings attached to it. And everyday, its increasing only. So ya, I guess I will be a pretty good cooker next time ba, lolz, got people wanna intro to me? haha.
From wanting a wonderful career, now I want to be someone working in the kitchen, cooking meals for my family. lolz. How life can make you change. haha. But hey, I still like to shop, I'm still just a 18-years-old girl, just that I have to cook dinner for at least 7 people whenever I end school early.
Just finished 3 tests today, pretty good I guess. One more for tomorrow, and yet, I havnt study for it. See my luck le ba.
Been watching 'Lovers in Paris' for this whole week, another 7 disc to go. So funny, so touching, so heart warming, and so heart breaking. In a love triangle, there bound to be someone who get hurt, and that person, is bound to change to another personality because of this. Something that is showing in the vcd. Dont think too deep into it. He really very ke lian, gave all he got to her, but she returned everything back to him. Then in the end, he became kind of heartless. But her, who loves another guy and that guy loves her back, got the courage to marry him not matter what, no matter how others object, how others look at her. He, who never been in love before, never ask anyone for a favour before, coze of her, smiled, and knew how to love, care and get jealous.
Hopefully I can get the vcd from korean. Cant wait to fly over there. For me to re-charge. Mum dun let me go study trip in june, if not will be flying 2 times. argh. Nvm ba. =D
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
My sleeping timing is screwed up again. Actually didnt wanna go to school today, but somehow, I'm so damn awake when I woke up, not tired at all. So just went to school, to kill some time. However, when I thought I'm so damn awake, I fell asleep on the bus while reading notes. Ya, just knocked out completely.
Reached school, only 2 others in the class, by 9:30, there's only 11 or 12 people out of 38. Wonderfull is it not? lolz. So basically I was only in school for 1.5hours.
While waiting for bus to go home, saw 3 police cars and policemen stopping buses to check on the people in them. Sms-ed my friend then he say maybe people steal things then on the run. Saw the same thing before clementi mrt, and knew something was wrong.
Happily went to collect my jeans, bought lunch and some snacks home for my grandma, then my mum called, asking me to stay in the house and not step out of it, told her about the police cars then she said got something wrong.
Missed the news and only just found out what exactly is wrong. There's this chinese guy who just murdered a businessman with a gun this morning at around 7plus and is on the run. Which explained all the above.
And somehow, I just fell asleep on my sofa after having my lunch. =X Using garfield as my pillow, I fell asleep. Slept for 30mins and I moved to my room, wanna wake up 30mins later, but ended up sleeping for 1 full hour! Think later have to drink coffee le... lolz.
its funny how that you are fearless when you dont know about something, but once you did, you got scare. the last time my mum asked me to stay indoor was during primary school days, whereby a bomb exploded at the JE bus stop. police is such a noble job. =D
ya, faster find that guy so my mum will let me go out freely again. bleahz.
Reached school, only 2 others in the class, by 9:30, there's only 11 or 12 people out of 38. Wonderfull is it not? lolz. So basically I was only in school for 1.5hours.
While waiting for bus to go home, saw 3 police cars and policemen stopping buses to check on the people in them. Sms-ed my friend then he say maybe people steal things then on the run. Saw the same thing before clementi mrt, and knew something was wrong.
Happily went to collect my jeans, bought lunch and some snacks home for my grandma, then my mum called, asking me to stay in the house and not step out of it, told her about the police cars then she said got something wrong.
Missed the news and only just found out what exactly is wrong. There's this chinese guy who just murdered a businessman with a gun this morning at around 7plus and is on the run. Which explained all the above.
And somehow, I just fell asleep on my sofa after having my lunch. =X Using garfield as my pillow, I fell asleep. Slept for 30mins and I moved to my room, wanna wake up 30mins later, but ended up sleeping for 1 full hour! Think later have to drink coffee le... lolz.
its funny how that you are fearless when you dont know about something, but once you did, you got scare. the last time my mum asked me to stay indoor was during primary school days, whereby a bomb exploded at the JE bus stop. police is such a noble job. =D
ya, faster find that guy so my mum will let me go out freely again. bleahz.
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
My mum is crazy. She just managed to borrow Lovers in Paris from her friend today and she watched it till 12plus. Even me didnt wanna watch it till so late. Mums can be just so crazy too...
Watched till almost cry. Shall buy the vcd back from korean when I see it.
Tests coming, 3 papers on thurs, 1 on fri. Then I havnt study for any of them.
forgetting things that i should long ago.
looking forward to working and going to korean. how i wish i got the courage to go to venice myself... if only i know french...
everything will be ok in the end. i wont allow it to happen again. never.
Watched till almost cry. Shall buy the vcd back from korean when I see it.
Tests coming, 3 papers on thurs, 1 on fri. Then I havnt study for any of them.
forgetting things that i should long ago.
looking forward to working and going to korean. how i wish i got the courage to go to venice myself... if only i know french...
everything will be ok in the end. i wont allow it to happen again. never.
Friday, February 10, 2006
Pretty bored now...
Just had yu sheng for the second time this CNY. Not much people is online, those is, not free to li wo. -_- Had been like this for awhile now.
Had headache again, which means I'm slacking off again. Cant find the mood to sit down and really read through my notes, then next thurs having SPF test. 28 PYM, 1st FRM.
Been only 1wk plus since it happened, but it seems so long ago.
Just had yu sheng for the second time this CNY. Not much people is online, those is, not free to li wo. -_- Had been like this for awhile now.
Had headache again, which means I'm slacking off again. Cant find the mood to sit down and really read through my notes, then next thurs having SPF test. 28 PYM, 1st FRM.
Been only 1wk plus since it happened, but it seems so long ago.
You said I'm not lonely, but why am I feeling that?
No mood to do anything. Even shopping also no mood. But somehow, I still manage to 'waste' away my money. Half of me want the holiday to come easlier, so I can fly off again. But another half, finish the term will never end, so that I wont have too much free time on my hands.
Pushing everything away.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
Its really really terrible to own a mastercard, even much more worst than a atm card.
Just one day, I spent like 80 over bucks..
First thing in the morning, went ALL the way down to Bukit Timah Plaza just to get my hair cut. Yes, I cut off 2 inches of it, so dont tell me you cant see the difference. Ron cant believe his ears when I told him want to cut 2 inches of my hair, asking whether I think carefully or not. -_-!! And you know something, their 'student' rate is actually applying only for secondary sch and below. Which means I saved like $20 in the past, the actual price is suppose to be $25. Not much of a difference. Just $5. Still alright I guess. Then I bought the oil treatment for hair, which costed like $28. And there goes the $50 I just bank in early in the morning. The whole process of washing, cuting, blowing took one and a half hour. Can you believe it? More than 1 hour to get my hair cut, wash and blow dry. Happy with the result, but also means I have to spend more time on my hair before spending out of the house, if not I wont dare to see anyone! =X
After that went to meet yh at the bus stop to go to town for the geisha movie. 1:50pm show. Lunch at bk which cost $4. Then walked around, bought the contact lens casing, $5, The Prince who turns into a Frog OST limited edition CD at $19.90, whole world only got 5000 pieces k?! So how can I not buy? lolz. K, finding excuse for myself. haha.
The movie is worth the ticket price. But I guess reading the book before watching the movie kind of spoil it for me. Quite a number of parts missing, so abit disappointed. But its really a show worth watching! And I love Sayuri's eyes. So pretty. 'A geisha cannot be a wife to a man, only half wife, a wife in the night'.
I'm so in love with my hair. Like onion! haha. Now have to wake up earlier so as to blow my hair before stepping out of the house. =)
My mum told me lovers in paris vcd is going at half price now.. shall check it out tomorrow. If really half price, I will be spending money tomorrow again. =X
spending money seems to be the only thing that can comfort me now. only thing that make me feel i'm still living... so dont keep saying i'm wasting money. if it can comfort one, is it still wasting?
Just one day, I spent like 80 over bucks..
First thing in the morning, went ALL the way down to Bukit Timah Plaza just to get my hair cut. Yes, I cut off 2 inches of it, so dont tell me you cant see the difference. Ron cant believe his ears when I told him want to cut 2 inches of my hair, asking whether I think carefully or not. -_-!! And you know something, their 'student' rate is actually applying only for secondary sch and below. Which means I saved like $20 in the past, the actual price is suppose to be $25. Not much of a difference. Just $5. Still alright I guess. Then I bought the oil treatment for hair, which costed like $28. And there goes the $50 I just bank in early in the morning. The whole process of washing, cuting, blowing took one and a half hour. Can you believe it? More than 1 hour to get my hair cut, wash and blow dry. Happy with the result, but also means I have to spend more time on my hair before spending out of the house, if not I wont dare to see anyone! =X
After that went to meet yh at the bus stop to go to town for the geisha movie. 1:50pm show. Lunch at bk which cost $4. Then walked around, bought the contact lens casing, $5, The Prince who turns into a Frog OST limited edition CD at $19.90, whole world only got 5000 pieces k?! So how can I not buy? lolz. K, finding excuse for myself. haha.
The movie is worth the ticket price. But I guess reading the book before watching the movie kind of spoil it for me. Quite a number of parts missing, so abit disappointed. But its really a show worth watching! And I love Sayuri's eyes. So pretty. 'A geisha cannot be a wife to a man, only half wife, a wife in the night'.
I'm so in love with my hair. Like onion! haha. Now have to wake up earlier so as to blow my hair before stepping out of the house. =)
My mum told me lovers in paris vcd is going at half price now.. shall check it out tomorrow. If really half price, I will be spending money tomorrow again. =X
spending money seems to be the only thing that can comfort me now. only thing that make me feel i'm still living... so dont keep saying i'm wasting money. if it can comfort one, is it still wasting?
Monday, February 06, 2006
o ya... forget to write.. today when walking out of the library... saw a super duper cute guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! dunno is he the guy i think he is or not. but anyway, damn cute! he smiled then got the dimple come out.. then dark dark abit red face.. *melted* can anyone tell me who he is??!!! =X
cute guy... *melt*
cute guy... *melt*
Declare: today is the last day of my long hair.
Ron working tomorrow so going down SPECIALLY just to get my hair cut. =) See how it turns out tomorrow ba. Still deciding the length I want it to be cut to, but confrim can see it had been cut. =)
Then today got 'stalls' in the NP's computer shop. Saw a bracelet I wanna buy but never, so end up went there twice to look at it. lolz. Ya, I know I kuku, should just buy it home right? Dont know. Just dont feel like buying.
I wanna shop. Shop till I drop.
how short should my hair be?? hmmm....
Ron working tomorrow so going down SPECIALLY just to get my hair cut. =) See how it turns out tomorrow ba. Still deciding the length I want it to be cut to, but confrim can see it had been cut. =)
Then today got 'stalls' in the NP's computer shop. Saw a bracelet I wanna buy but never, so end up went there twice to look at it. lolz. Ya, I know I kuku, should just buy it home right? Dont know. Just dont feel like buying.
I wanna shop. Shop till I drop.
how short should my hair be?? hmmm....
Friday, February 03, 2006
Been awhile since I wrote a decent piece of entry. =X Mood kind of just went up and down pretty fast..
Let's see, after CYN holiday, went back to school and it was pretty tiring. The moment I sat down on the bus on the way to school and back, I'm dead to the world out there. Been so damn long since I sleep both way on the bus. Wednesday went to the NeWater Plant. Pretty interesting to see the equiments that we learnt with our own eyes. Understand them more. Thurs went for ILA only, then went to walk. Basically I dress to shop! lolz. Saw jk.
ILA was pretty alright. Finished up the assignment then rotted around to wait for others. Fooled around. lolz. Actually wanna go K, but the rate is just too high for us. $23 le. Too expensive le. So ended up, went to walk at bugis. Bought a necklance.
Itching to spend money, but saw nothing I fell in love with. =( Then at night, I pretty much went crazy. Dont ask me why. Just suddenly wanna cut my hair away, spend lots and lots of money. So xin ku.
Then today went to school then to JE to open a new account for my dad. And guess what the person asked me.. he asked whether he (refering to my dad), is my dad or my customer! -_-!! do i look so OLD?! customer. -_- After that went to JW to adjust my specs since I knocked myself against my door and bent the specs. Silly me. Ended up, I changed the frame! lolz. Since the specs frame is so soft already, so better change if not it wont be able to survive another 'attack'. $70. so ex... But comparing to making a new specs which will cost around $250, quite cheap le.
Just now when to see my relatives, so ke lian... Last time when I still small, they are so heathly, so clear minded, so fit. But now.... Lucky the husband still fit enought to drive. Lucky they still have their own flat, more than enough money to last them for the rest of their life.. It hurts to see them like that... Must spend more time with my own grandma and my gu gu.
today ham ham birthday. happy birthday! miss ya.
miss my teddy too. so long never online. miss him lots lots too...
o ya, got food poisoning today. now ok le.. after bomding my house toilet 2 times. =X
Let's see, after CYN holiday, went back to school and it was pretty tiring. The moment I sat down on the bus on the way to school and back, I'm dead to the world out there. Been so damn long since I sleep both way on the bus. Wednesday went to the NeWater Plant. Pretty interesting to see the equiments that we learnt with our own eyes. Understand them more. Thurs went for ILA only, then went to walk. Basically I dress to shop! lolz. Saw jk.
ILA was pretty alright. Finished up the assignment then rotted around to wait for others. Fooled around. lolz. Actually wanna go K, but the rate is just too high for us. $23 le. Too expensive le. So ended up, went to walk at bugis. Bought a necklance.
Itching to spend money, but saw nothing I fell in love with. =( Then at night, I pretty much went crazy. Dont ask me why. Just suddenly wanna cut my hair away, spend lots and lots of money. So xin ku.
Then today went to school then to JE to open a new account for my dad. And guess what the person asked me.. he asked whether he (refering to my dad), is my dad or my customer! -_-!! do i look so OLD?! customer. -_- After that went to JW to adjust my specs since I knocked myself against my door and bent the specs. Silly me. Ended up, I changed the frame! lolz. Since the specs frame is so soft already, so better change if not it wont be able to survive another 'attack'. $70. so ex... But comparing to making a new specs which will cost around $250, quite cheap le.
Just now when to see my relatives, so ke lian... Last time when I still small, they are so heathly, so clear minded, so fit. But now.... Lucky the husband still fit enought to drive. Lucky they still have their own flat, more than enough money to last them for the rest of their life.. It hurts to see them like that... Must spend more time with my own grandma and my gu gu.
today ham ham birthday. happy birthday! miss ya.
miss my teddy too. so long never online. miss him lots lots too...
o ya, got food poisoning today. now ok le.. after bomding my house toilet 2 times. =X
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