Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Somehow managed to fall asleep in class again! How cool is this. Next week is common test and here I am falling asleep in class..
jia you
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
CC class was fun today, learnt alot of new stuffs, but on the other hand, another project coming up. Due the week school reopens. Project for WISP also due the same day. wtf.
After half a lunch at SIM today, fell asleep during WISP class. =X It was onli half a lunch coz I only ate half of my lunch and then munched on ice cream after that... Dont feel like eating again.
Watched 1hr of Hotel Rawanda. Its really a movie that evokes alot of feelings. Why did the UN only helps the whites and left the blacks behind? Why do the people in the same country wanna kill their own countryman? Why do such a strong feeling of hate even exist? Why there's people that doesnt even blink once when killing little kids?
Its a movie that make you think, make you wanna cry and make you wanna scold the government for such a decision. Which is why I say reality is cruel....
Had programming today. Not too bad I guess. Got homework to do, kind of have an idea how to do it. Finally new stuff to learn. And I remember the command!!! =)
feeling so tired. so so so tired that i wish for a shoulder to find comfort in. to rest on. even if just for awhile. it will be nice.... *wishing*
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Retail Therapy. First experience with GSS.
Left house at around 11plus, upon reaching wisma, went to have lunch at Crystal Jade Kitchen. Their Korean style stone bowl rice is damn nice! Even better than their outlet that sell pure Korea food. Highly recommended, but if you are in a rush, dont bother trying, its way too hot to finish in half an hour, it will take at least 1hour. And very filling too. Heavenly...
Their hong kong styled coffee plus milk tea is worth a try too. $2.50 for a cold one and $2 for hot.
After lunch went over to The Face Shop to get my foundation and masks. Really feel its expensive, should have bought more when I'm in Korea. Much cheaper. But what to do, Singapore tax is just too high. Help to pay for my cousin first too, coze I got the memebership. Then my mum asked why I have the card, told her because I spent alot there already. lolz. Which is very true. haha. Imagine, it cost me $80 to get the card an had been using it a few times now, so total will be like 100plus 200. I still cannot imagine myself buying the eye cream in Singapore, which cost like $50 and only $25plus plus in Korea.
Continued walking from there and my mum bought me this yellow top with lance. My first of the kind, no need I pay somemore, so ya, bought it.
Then went over to Isetan and bought another skirt that cost $20, mum pays for it too. No idea why but they just have to give this really big paper bag when it can be put in the smaller one. But also good lah, coze in the end lots of bags managed to be put inside too.
Next was G2000 where I bought a shirt. Yuppie, got sponsor also. The last piece of the day that is being sponsored. Bright colour, cutting very good too, abit expensive but worth it I guess. Since G2000 is shown for their quality and all.
Actually wanted to buy a pair of jeans from Fox, but those nicer looking ones arent on sales, $69 somemore. So didnt buy, ended up buying one pair from Gio. Nicely fit, new design I think. $49. But then again, worth it. Because they hardly come out with straight cut nowadays, so just grab it to the counter. haha. Its really very nice. Another jeans to the collection...
Mum bought a pair of 3/4 from there too.
Thats the last stop of the shopping, but really bought lots of stuffs. Heavy le!!!! Big bags small bags. First time we bought so many stuffs in one go. Shopping spree... and in the middle of it, I was being reminded by teddy to study for the upcoming test.. -_- People happily shopping ask her to study.
It really feels good to carry so many shopping bags with contains that you like and on sales! Now I know why people like GSS.
But then again, I wont be able to shop for awhile now. Doesnt have that amount of money to continue shopping like that. Cant even afford a hair cut now. lolz.
sales are bad for my pocket...
Friday, May 26, 2006
A day full of photos for memeories...
Entitled 'World World III aka The Becoming of JailBird'

Vincent was happily walking on the street one day, but its seems to be his unlucky day! A bird twice his size flew over his head and dropped a shit the size of his head, which in the end crushed him to death... And out of nowhere, came Tong whose death is caused by the bird too..

Further down the street, Jasmine robbed Xtina (which is me) of my newurbanmale bag. This indirectly caused Xtina's death as she cried herself to death because of her beloved bag which was robbed from her.

Yan Hui the policewoman saw Jasmine's criminal act and shot her to death.

While the whole event was happening, Chin Ling drove pass with her car and being a KPO, she cant help it but look at whats happening and ignore the traffice on the road. It's not surpising that she got into an accident which cause her her life.
In the mean time, Yan Hui was overwhelmed by guilt for shoting Jasmine and but the unexpected car accident death of Chin Ling. In order to put someone in the jail to save herself some peace, she caught the bird that is responsible for both Vincent and Tong's death, after which, she killed herself too.

THE END. Please proceed to ah tong's blog for another version.. =D
Pics taken during school today...

Zooming into tong's feet....

cool ar... tong wearing a pair of slippers with hearts all over it.... can ice skate somemore!

one of my fv pic today...

finally... my own pic!!!! tong take de...

bro bought it from thailand for me.. around S$12. Small size de.. Cute. haha. Lucky that time never buy..

ICE WINE!!!! Product of canada. Said to be much more better than red wine and white wine. YeS! Finally I have one big bottle at my house for own drinking! All thanks to my brother! This 1 is just the small bottle de.. some sort like free gift..

stole my bro's sunglass for this pic.. also from thailand.

another 1... told that i look cute in them.. wahahaha..
Finally all the pics are up! *smile* Overall today is a good but tiring day. Felt asleep while listening to lec this afternoon somemore! Shall endure... Sunday... Till sunday. And then I will be out there buying stuffs agaiN!!! First time ever that I volunteer to go GSS... haha
Thursday, May 25, 2006
full of pics..

new kid on the block.. named QQ
My dad asked me why I bought QQ for $15 when he's head and ears are like so big and a small body with super short limbs... cute what! From japan also, even though its made in china. *bleahz*

ah ju wanted to steal QQ home...

Proof that I was hard at work in school on monday night!!!! lolz.. ju took this..
And now... the story of teddy and orange bear..

One day, while walking, teddy saw orange bear laying on the floor. In hope to save him, teddy attemped CPR on orange bear. After a few tries, orange bear woke up!

Teddy said 'hi'. Orange bear wanted to thank teddy but he can only see his tummy and below because he's too short. *poor orange bear* So he took a few steps back...

Tadaa!!! Orange bear exclaimed, "FINALLY I CAN SEE YOU!!!" Thats how teddy and orange bear got to know each other... Storyline created by xtina and ah tong.

cool ar?

tong, vin and jas were discussing ENM tutorial while I was snapping photos... haha.

cl's lappy...

looks unreal...

teddy doing breakdance... pose discovered by ah tong.
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
smiling doesnt mean i'm ok
Monday went to national library for FMM project, then to chinatown complex for BMD and back to school for IS project. Till now my mind still cant process the fire safety report that I'm suppose to write, too much information. BMD no idea how, have yet to discuss about it. After which at nearly 7, went back to school, saw jk there. Had fun doing the project with lene they all but at the same time tiring. The outcome is worth it. Lec commented that our project is well done.
But in result of that, got a really bad headache from lack of sleep on tuesday, so didnt go for VB. Pretty much screwed up my days till now. Everyday is full of tireness only. Even in school my mind cant work. Whatever the lec is talking about I have no idea. Only thing on my mind is to faster go home and rest. Plus the amount of work to do... is really dragging me down.
Almost cried today in school... I was shocked myself. Been so long since I cried. Its like I thought theres no presentation for FMM, but end up got, then vin keep saying about it, and coze of that I almost cried. lolz. Ya, silly I know. Overstress I guess.
First tution lesson today!!!! Almost cant find the house but in the end did. Parents are good. But the kid abit *ahem* *ahem*. Like me like that, throw temper whenever I dont know how to do a maths question. haha. But he like science ALOT.. Next lesson will be on next wednesday and on english. Have to go dig up some stuffs to teach him... I'm like so happy that it went smoothly..
Now the thing is how I gonna handle all 3 stuffs... For now, I'm happy...
Back to work!!!
Sunday, May 21, 2006
fucked up
Everything was not ok in the first place, and it only got worst after that.
Why you mean so much to me yet me so little to you.
Whatever. I have no right anyway.
At least manage to do something before I get so f-up. Stayed up till nearly 5 this morning to do some stuffs. Felt so productive. But the down side was I got so damn hungry for staying up so late and it screwed my whole sleeping cycle.
I was waiting.. waiting patiently.. but what I want never did happen.
Brother flew off to thailand, mum got sick, dad having pms for the whole weekend.
Suddenly everything seems to go wrong. Everything just have to come in a go.
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Shld be in bed...
Had breakfast in school since the lab lesson ended early, but cant finish, ate half of this and that, well, its still equals to one. So ya, better than nothing. =X
After that saw a few not bad looking during lunch time. My lucky day. If anna was there, she would have melted a zillion times. But then, vomited again. Then had starfruit juice as lunch. SO ER XIN!!! But have to drink it to 'cool' my body.
O ya, and somehow, the cat choose this day to appear in canteen 3. Scare the hell out of me! Argh.. Stupid cat. They should ban cats from premises!!!!
After school stayed back to discuss CC project and off I went to home. For the first time in dont know how many weeks, I spent 2hours plus in front of the tv!!! Almost forgotten how wonderful tv programmes are. Ya, that no life... But somewhere in my no life life, I still manage to spend money. haha. Craving for ramen now...
Manage to clear some tutorials.. so happy!!!
Think going to do some mini shopping at Jp tomorrow if I'm up to it.. =)

KON!!!! Cute right?? *love love love*

another one...
Saturday is here again!!! =)
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Busy Busy Busy
School's fun and all, not saying its boring. But its like there's so many projects to do, so many tutorials to complete. And its not like in year 1 or 2 when you can just blindly copy the answer over, have to think or even search online for the answer... Time....
Then for all the projects, we have to go visit a building, and again, time...
And till now, the fever just wont go away. Its not high, but its there. So irritating. Cant it just go away?
Stress, busy... And tired.. I need to sleep!!! Argh.
Can I really have time to do my work and work at the same time?
Monday, May 15, 2006
Then just now came home for a nap.. ended up woke up with a fever... at first 38 then 37.9... Sms-ed kw and he's kind enough to pei wo go see doctor... Had an injection and it hurts!!!!! Cab-ed down to jp for dinner. My first supposely whole meal for the day, ended up eating half of it only, better than nothing lah...
Feeling much better now... Thanks kai wah... For accompanying me down to holland then for dinner. For being a gentleman... =) Thanks alot.
Got a 2day mc.. wonder to skip school or not..
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mother's Day

their deep-fried ice cream. goes damn well with the durain pudding. =D
And I'm missing my nanny. As in the real nanny, the one who bought me up. Bought my grandma to take med yesterday and she mentioned her to the nurses. Bought tears to my eyes. Serious speaking, I dont even know her name. I always call her 'mummy' and my mum 'ma ma'. Dote on me alot. Remember her bringing me to her sis house to play with the nephew. All the nice meals that she cooked for me. Bringing me here and there, to her daughter's ROM, market, people's houses, to the doc, etc etc. She's not the only 1 who dote on me there. There's her 4 children and husband, and her mother (before she went out of her mind). Got my first job there too. Helping a neighbour seperate plastics sheet using papers. When mummy's mother went out of her mind, I was being 'send' back to my house, its when I'm primary 1. I thought all is well, being a child. Then suddenly I woke up from my nap one day during the holidays and my mum told me she's no longer around. At that time I have no idea what is going on, I only know she's dead, but not the reason. I cried and cried and cried.... Every year I still visit her 'grave' at padan. Really miss her alot.
Well anyway, I refused to see the doctor even though my stomache hadnt been well for 3 days. =X Then teddy accuse me of not letting him go in peace. lolz. Everytime he book in, nothing good will happen to me! Always. The first time he book in, I came back from korea sick. The second or third time, I had a bad headache till I vomit. And now this. -_-!! Curse.
Haiz. Another 3hours plus he will be booking in again...
i'm bloated.
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Sometimes all it takes is for someone to believe in you
See how damn soft and 'bone-less' it is! Even the one my dad eat at night is like that.. Cool ar?
My fv turtle!!! Yes. I'm crazy enough to take a pic from the computer screen. Dun you think he's so cute?? haha
Friday, May 12, 2006
Crazy Day
Went over to Canteen 3 for lunch. Didnt get to eat carrot cake! Sob.
Finally managed to arranged to go down to Bedok South Secondary School on wednesday, which is also a big day for me. Will explain later. After much calling to the school and they calling back, finally its dealed. Everyday of no news from them make me uneasy.
After that was FMM lecture which I fell asleep in! haha. Its not a good idea to have such a dead lecture after lunch, make you wanna sleep. Hardly able to keep my eyes open. For once my eyes are damn small! =D Finally after 1hour plus felt more awake. And since then, I had been abit siao siao for the rest of the day. haha.
After school did some discussion for CC and off to home I went.
And heres the irritating part of my day. This group of year 1s board the bus and they are so fucking noisy. Ngee Ann de somemore! Throw face le. Lucky no uniform. Felt so stupid to be in the same school with them if there's uniform. They are really very noisy. Even after switching my Mp3 to volume 25 still can hear their voice. Then somemore its that kind of noisy that gets to your nerve. Double irritating. Cant they like be more considerate or something? Idiot. Cant even have a nice ride back home.
After dinner wanted to read something before doing work but ended falling asleep on my bed. Its just too inviting. haha.
Teddy is finally back!!!!!! Back from the field training. Dunno issnt tomorrow book out. Should be. Since its a holiday. And ku ku teddy kenna send to hospital on the 5th day of the camp because he just fainted. -_- Think heat stroke or something, after some rest got better le. Really ku ku le. argh. At least he's back. =) Back going off again soon to some camping trip or whatever.
Wednesday, May 10, 2006

traffic light!!! me in green, jas in yellow and tong in red. by height also. haha.

finally opened up the forth edition of my birthday bear. lolz. both also flower de...
After school today went to meet lene then went for lunch with her and a few others and off I went to atrium to wait for them for 2hours to do WISP project. Sit till I butt paiN!!!!! But what to do? End early.
Ate alot today. Morning wake up hungry, two hours after I ate laska in school hungry again, at 5plus hungry again. -_- So the whole day is like keep eating and eating and eating. Then went over to KAP for dinner just now with ju, lene and hans.
I'm one more step nearer to what I want. =)

this pic i drew during CC whereby our lec look at it and tell us about our character...

teddy doing tutorial for me.. haha. cute hor.. =)
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Tired. I guess.
Had a long long 5 hours break on Monday coze end school at 12pm and then meeting lene they all at 5pm for project. Tong and cl wanna play pool then didnt join them. I dont know.. Just dont feel comfortable with pool. Then went to JP to do some shopping myself. FINALLY, I bought something!!! A pair of shoes, black colour, $25plus only. 4 pairs of that will add up to be $100. haha. After buying that shoes, my whole mind and heart is on it only so doesnt matter if continue walking or not. haha. Nothing else will be able to make me buy them. Went home eat lunch, rest awhile then go down back to school and someone stopped me again near MRT thinking I'm a NTU student.. -_-
Ended up, only left me and lene so went over to JP's subway then go my house take clothes and lappy then go lene's house to watch DVD and stay over.
School is tiring today. Sleepy. Watch Crash today in WISP lesson. Then kw came over to NP to look for lec, saw him online so asked him to join us for lunch. As expected, he knows jimmy, or rather know who he is. Did some project work after school then meet nevin to go home.
Am broke. lolz. Not much cash left with me.. Do they take card in school? haha.
Also dont know why nowadays quieter. Maybe just tired ba.. =) For the CC right, we are told to draw a pic of ourself and my lec say I'm shy and quiet. lolz. Course work also catching up with me, too heavy le.
Ya, if even after I grad from school and cant fly due to work reason, the moment I can, I will FLY!!!! =X I'm not really born to stay in singapore ba... But hey, I love here. Coze all my friends are here.... *smile*
One friend is back from thailand (ns training) then teddy coming back from field training in a few more days..
Friday, May 05, 2006
Got sick on wednesday. Bad headache, then vomited twice in school. After school went to see doctor. Planned to take a cab down but the bus came first and save the money, but then took a cab home. Too lazy and tired to walk to the mrt and back home. Cant eat much for dinner and so cant sleep. Sms kai wah then he offered to drive me for supper even though its already 1plus in the morning! So nice of him... *muackz*!!! haha. He's really a nice guy. Drove to west coast coze I wanna eat apple pie. Then due to me being a mountain turtle, he wasted $6 to let people wash his car.
the car in front of us.. lots of cabs over there.
The screen of the car when they spray the bubble thingy. Like snow!!! Yes, I never see a car being wash before. Ke yi ma? *bleah*
The reason I love night time... quiet and peaceful..
Reached home at around 2plus but still cant get to sleep, just lay on my bed trying to make myself comfortable but somehow, I'm running on anderline or whatever you call it. Finally fell asleep after 4plus and woke up at 6:45. And for the whole of thursday, I didnt even get to catch a short nap or whatever! Even went out for movie with charlene and hans. Then for lecs, my brain juice flowed out through my ears to the floor. Chim chim stuffs came out of the lecs mouth, but cannot understand any of them. Too heavy and hard to digest. Had a hard time over there in school.
Some silly pics I took in school..
Princess Teddy. haha. The blue butterfly is actually the ring I bought back from korea. S$1.6 only!
Princess teddy with a $90plus watch. haha. The watch is like so much bigger than 'her' head.
The hair essence gel that is damn good and smell damn nice!!!! Bought it from missha for less than $2. Really make the hair smoother. And it comes in a small bottle so its easy to carry around. 4stars!!!
O ya, about the movie. Its called 'you are my sunshine', a korea true story. All 3 of us cried at the end of the story. At first really think that the guy is very bai ci to be so sweet to the girl. Then after awhile when they are together, found it so SWEET! If there's such a guy in my life I wouldnt mind giving up travelling and stay in Singapore for him. Anyway, the girl contacted AIDs but he is still willing to be with her. To really love her till the end of his life and even after that. This kind of guy where to find? Rare till cannot rare. Its just as rare as the chance of you flying to moon. Which is like close to zero. Though its a sad movie, did have a very enjoyable and wonderful time with them. After the movie, tiredness finally caught up with me. Reach home, did some stuffs and chat for awhile and went to sleep.
As usual, today's lec are still very heavy for me. Actually should be reading through them now, but then just have to come here and unload some stuffs, if not there's no more space in my brain!!! Can hardly remember what I have for dinner yesterday night. lolz. Cant even stomach much food nowadays. Not even a whole proper meal. =X Mum reached home before me and so ended up I cant have my long awaited nap! SOB!!!! I need a nap..
Can you believe that pink colour sock is being dye from white to pink due to a new shirt!!!! Its really very evenly 'dye' and so nice de colour!!!! And it belong to our beloved ah tong. haha.
And finally...
Poor me in school!!!! haha. Ok lah. Today is pretty fun. And have the comfort of my bro's jacket.
Wanna apply for OIAP. At least I try to apply for it. Even if I cant go there, I will be flying most prob after attachment and after during june holiday. I wont stop flying unless there's something to do in Singapore. Unless there's someone who can make me stay here in singapore.. Till then, I guess I will just keep flying! haha. I need to fly for the sake of getting out of singapore. To have a new envirnoment, new place to shop, new faces.
Monday, May 01, 2006
Went out for breakfast cum lunch with my grandma and aunt's family. Then went over to Bugis and Marina Square with both my cousins. Walked till our legs wanna break!!!! My friend asked me to ask someone to carry me home. lolz. I almost collapse at my doorstep. haha. But didnt manage to buy anything at all! Horrible. Singapore should have more shops catering to people like me. People who find the stuffs at normal shopping center not eye-catching. =X Can you imagine, I walked the whole of MS and Bugis Village and there's nothing that I wanna buy! Argh. I hate this feeling.
We went to this Taiwanese Ice Shave shop near Simlim for a rest. Not bad lah. Its actually just ice then put the fruits on top. Thats all.

Cool hor? He's the ice monster. Dont look like a monster.
Then last night went and have a drink with anna aka small cousin at coffee bean. Tried their Lemon Zest. Wonder did they really put green tea in, cant taste that. The lemon taste totally cover any other taste...

Been so long since I have my name written on the cover of Coffee Bean's cup. lolz.
And I was actually asked whether I like to have cream to go with my Lemon Zest. Can you imagine how yucky the taste will be? Basically it just taste like lemonade. I guess you are paying for real lemons instead of syrup.

Thats me on thurs. Doing the thing I always do when I have nth better to do.. Take self pics. And I was caught red handed by tong's phone. That black figure behind me is actually jasmine. lolz

tong's w550.

One of the few pics I have with yan hui. =D
Back to school tomorrow!!! sianzation