I feel so damn xin fu today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A princess in her small little world.
Let's see, I'm another step closer to going oversea for attachment. And guess what, there's 2 placement in Aust for FMB students! How good can this be? When I was just mentioning to my friends in the past and wondering whether there will really be one or not and now it's right in front of me! It's true!!! How wonderful would it be if whatever I say comes true.. Then all the people I dont like will be turn into toads or frogs as they grow older!!! How nice will that be.. Ok, the evil me is coming out.. =X
Got my mum to give the green light for aussie!!! The previous time I mentioned about it, she almost bite my head off. lolz. And another good news, teddy will be back in the end of Aug, meaning before I fly off if I ever get to... Interview in 2weeks. Essay and resume to write...
Got back 2 papers today, quite happy about it. Though there are still room for improvements, but I'm ok with it as for now.
Then come the big blow. For HRF's quiz/test today, everyone FAIL!!!! Everyone but vin. Suprise right? Every single us of us which are human FAIL! O my... First time in NP's history I guess. Even though everyone failed, we are laughing our heads off outside the room. First time in my poly life that I ever see my class so united before! Everyone fail but none of us are sad about it...
Went to jurong west for BBQ fish just now with lene and ju. Ordered so much stuffs and we finished all of them!!!! Only left some vege.. So damn full that we dont wanna walk. So damn full till we cant even burp out. So damn full till we cannot stomach another drop of water.
Thursday, June 29, 2006
you made me smile
I feel so damn xin fu today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A princess in her small little world.
Let's see, I'm another step closer to going oversea for attachment. And guess what, there's 2 placement in Aust for FMB students! How good can this be? When I was just mentioning to my friends in the past and wondering whether there will really be one or not and now it's right in front of me! It's true!!! How wonderful would it be if whatever I say comes true.. Then all the people I dont like will be turn into toads or frogs as they grow older!!! How nice will that be.. Ok, the evil me is coming out.. =X
Got my mum to give the green light for aussie!!! The previous time I mentioned about it, she almost bite my head off. lolz. And another good news, teddy will be back in the end of Aug, meaning before I fly off if I ever get to... Interview in 2weeks. Essay and resume to write...
Got back 2 papers today, quite happy about it. Though there are still room for improvements, but I'm ok with it as for now.
Then come the big blow. For HRF's quiz/test today, everyone FAIL!!!! Everyone but vin. Suprise right? Every single us of us which are human FAIL! O my... First time in NP's history I guess. Even though everyone failed, we are laughing our heads off outside the room. First time in my poly life that I ever see my class so united before! Everyone fail but none of us are sad about it...
Went to jurong west for BBQ fish just now with lene and ju. Ordered so much stuffs and we finished all of them!!!! Only left some vege.. So damn full that we dont wanna walk. So damn full till we cant even burp out. So damn full till we cannot stomach another drop of water.
A princess in her small little world.
Let's see, I'm another step closer to going oversea for attachment. And guess what, there's 2 placement in Aust for FMB students! How good can this be? When I was just mentioning to my friends in the past and wondering whether there will really be one or not and now it's right in front of me! It's true!!! How wonderful would it be if whatever I say comes true.. Then all the people I dont like will be turn into toads or frogs as they grow older!!! How nice will that be.. Ok, the evil me is coming out.. =X
Got my mum to give the green light for aussie!!! The previous time I mentioned about it, she almost bite my head off. lolz. And another good news, teddy will be back in the end of Aug, meaning before I fly off if I ever get to... Interview in 2weeks. Essay and resume to write...
Got back 2 papers today, quite happy about it. Though there are still room for improvements, but I'm ok with it as for now.
Then come the big blow. For HRF's quiz/test today, everyone FAIL!!!! Everyone but vin. Suprise right? Every single us of us which are human FAIL! O my... First time in NP's history I guess. Even though everyone failed, we are laughing our heads off outside the room. First time in my poly life that I ever see my class so united before! Everyone fail but none of us are sad about it...
Went to jurong west for BBQ fish just now with lene and ju. Ordered so much stuffs and we finished all of them!!!! Only left some vege.. So damn full that we dont wanna walk. So damn full till we cant even burp out. So damn full till we cannot stomach another drop of water.
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Crazy way to start school

teddy shitting!!!!! Caught in the act. He was happily shitting on my table during WISP class today. And ju ming was the one who created his 'shit'. All of us had a great laugh over this.. Actually we was given the thingy to make model of weapons but somehow, we ended up finding our childhood...

TNT bomb and some kind of gun...

As usual, while they are happily finding their childhood, I happily take pic of myself!!! Must love ourself before we can love others! haha.. So here I am loving myself..

The beautiful walkway between Canteen 3 and the otherside of SoE. Beautiful right? Lots of bamboo... But there's lots of WORMS on the floor. So yucky. Disgusting. But I really like the green-eries there. Nice.. At least something in the school is NEW. lolz.

Proof of how sunny it is today at the walkway.. Cant see both of our eyes!! It's so damn hot today that my brain almost get cooked after being under the sun for 5seconds.
Monday even though there's no class, went to school to do ENM report and IS projects discussion with lene they all.. Poor me have been in school from 10am in the morning till 8pm! And the whole time is used to do projects!!!! Argh.. Got such a bad headache from staying in Library that I'm so damn tempted to get a cab home. But then, I'm broke. lolz. Its so horrible that I dont wanna look at my lappy screen for another second. Time to get a new pair of specs.. haha.
Wonder what I eat wrong again.. Been going to the toilets since yesterday night.. And I just have to suddenly have the urge to eat KFC at this time. Dont feel like eating yet aching for some food..
Sunday, June 25, 2006

Garfield 2!!!! Love this pic the most!!!
Funny fat orange cat. Cute!!!!! Ok, you might never get another chance to hear me say a cat is cute... But damn.. he is! Though it's only 70plus minutes, it seems long enough. The movie could be better. Somehow didnt enjoy the show much, no idea why... Was keep wondering when then it will get to the part the 2 orange cats will meet each other. The part where they saw each other is damn funny... If you wanna have a laugh, catch this movie.
After the show went to Jurong West for dinner and to the specs shop to collect my contact lens and to massage my eyes.. My tear ducts are always stuck.. Which, is not a good thing.. Then to NTUC and home..
Weird to say this... but I miss school.. Seriously, I do.. Ok, maybe not the tutorials and projects part, but I miss being in school. When I do not have so much free time on my hand to think about stuffs..
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Allergic to guys who are un-gentlemen

my new NUM..
My mum keep pestering to tell her how much my bag costed. I just simply refuse to do so! How will she takes it if she know her daughter spent nearly 150 on a bag for school use? She have a slight idea that it's not cheap, and thats all I'm willing to let her know. Even though she said she wont scold me, but she bound to! I know her too well... She even told her friends about my small encounter with NUM. -_-!! I have gotten enough reaction over the cost of my bag so please leave it as it is. Its not like I'm always spending and not earning any money. Its just part of me. If you cannot accept it, then dont, no one is forcing you to, but dont comment anything about it either. If the money spent can make it happy why not?
sighz.. I still miss my old NUM..
One more day and it will be back to school.. back to the tiring days with endless tutorials to do..
Is 2months really a short period of time? Short till I wont even notice it passing by?
Going with my cousin for garfield tomorrow.. Just wanna do something to end my holiday happily. So that there's not much to grumble on when I go back to school. lolz. Have yet to get a nice pair of shoes..
Now I have a BRAND NEW NewUrbanMale bag. *wide smile* Here's the whole story of it..
After using my green/brown NUM bag for less than 2months, it spoilt due to wear and tear. Kenny somehow managed to make me sit down and write an email to NUM telling them about this matter and they replied real fast! I just emailed them yesterday and they replied this morning!!! Wonderful customer service. Exceeding what we expect and doing more. lolz. So anyway, they told me to bring my bag down and so I did. Just my luck, or not, that bag belong to the batch whereby the manufacturer put in the wrong base size which caused the bad wear and tear and thus the bad tear in the material. And so, I got a 1 for 1 exchange! But sadly, they no longer have the bag and they wont restock it because they do not want to be like Gio**** as commented by one of the guys there who is serving me. Ended up I have to choose another one so ended up with the latest colour of another range. A combi of black, hot pink and white, black is the main colour. They still have the range for my old bag but of different colour and prints which I dont like. But I still prefer my previous bag!!!! Sighz. I'm so in love with it and it just have to go wrong. Topped the $18 due to the price difference, which means, this bag actually cost $149. But it doesnt feel that expensive to me since I get to change a new bag in just a matters of months and both bags cost more than $100. =X Am I lucky or what? So now, I'm a happy girl with a brand new NUM bag.
The guys there are really very friendly. Charming too. Good service. =D Made me felt like I'm their regular customer when I'm not. lolz.
Special thanks to kenny who made me write the letter and thus making all this happen!!!!!
So anyway, went out to town with liping with a plan to get a $20plus bag but due to the turn in events, we ended up walking from Heeren to Cathay and then to PS and finally back home. Had a good time catching up and enjoying the day together!! And poor me had to carry that big paperbag all over town! Its not light also! *argh* And the attention the paperbag brings. -_- Hello, its not even LV.
And I paid everything in CASH today!!! Only use my card once, to pay for my masks which cost $10. Be proud of me! lolz.
Somehow I managed to sort out ENM. *proud of myself*
Overall, I'm a happy girl today. Which girl wont be happy when they have a brand new NUM bag?
After using my green/brown NUM bag for less than 2months, it spoilt due to wear and tear. Kenny somehow managed to make me sit down and write an email to NUM telling them about this matter and they replied real fast! I just emailed them yesterday and they replied this morning!!! Wonderful customer service. Exceeding what we expect and doing more. lolz. So anyway, they told me to bring my bag down and so I did. Just my luck, or not, that bag belong to the batch whereby the manufacturer put in the wrong base size which caused the bad wear and tear and thus the bad tear in the material. And so, I got a 1 for 1 exchange! But sadly, they no longer have the bag and they wont restock it because they do not want to be like Gio**** as commented by one of the guys there who is serving me. Ended up I have to choose another one so ended up with the latest colour of another range. A combi of black, hot pink and white, black is the main colour. They still have the range for my old bag but of different colour and prints which I dont like. But I still prefer my previous bag!!!! Sighz. I'm so in love with it and it just have to go wrong. Topped the $18 due to the price difference, which means, this bag actually cost $149. But it doesnt feel that expensive to me since I get to change a new bag in just a matters of months and both bags cost more than $100. =X Am I lucky or what? So now, I'm a happy girl with a brand new NUM bag.
The guys there are really very friendly. Charming too. Good service. =D Made me felt like I'm their regular customer when I'm not. lolz.
Special thanks to kenny who made me write the letter and thus making all this happen!!!!!
So anyway, went out to town with liping with a plan to get a $20plus bag but due to the turn in events, we ended up walking from Heeren to Cathay and then to PS and finally back home. Had a good time catching up and enjoying the day together!! And poor me had to carry that big paperbag all over town! Its not light also! *argh* And the attention the paperbag brings. -_- Hello, its not even LV.
And I paid everything in CASH today!!! Only use my card once, to pay for my masks which cost $10. Be proud of me! lolz.
Somehow I managed to sort out ENM. *proud of myself*
Overall, I'm a happy girl today. Which girl wont be happy when they have a brand new NUM bag?
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
stomach flu...
another sickness to add to my list.. -_-!!
all because of the noodle soup i ate at malaysia..
lets hope tomorrow i no need to go to the doc again. if not i can forget about even stepping out of my house for any other reasons besides going to the doc. suppose to be sleeping now.. but well.. there's project to do.. =X sshhhhh
*pray hard*
was asking my mum about oversea studies, and got a big reaction from her.. till the day i wont fall sick, i guess i'm here to stay. lolz. unless i really got some scholarship or something. better still, get a husband who's job is base there! haha. good idea.
thanks for caring
another sickness to add to my list.. -_-!!
all because of the noodle soup i ate at malaysia..
lets hope tomorrow i no need to go to the doc again. if not i can forget about even stepping out of my house for any other reasons besides going to the doc. suppose to be sleeping now.. but well.. there's project to do.. =X sshhhhh
*pray hard*
was asking my mum about oversea studies, and got a big reaction from her.. till the day i wont fall sick, i guess i'm here to stay. lolz. unless i really got some scholarship or something. better still, get a husband who's job is base there! haha. good idea.
thanks for caring
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
feeling so the xin ku...
woke up with a fever. 38.5
eat med and went back to sleep..
temperature decreased abit but head feeling damn heavy.
woke up with a fever. 38.5
eat med and went back to sleep..
temperature decreased abit but head feeling damn heavy.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Shopping trip to KL
The trip over to KL was not bad. Took some pics while I was there... Actually wanna to stay at Time Square Hotel but then its fully booked by some private organisation, so we ended up at a hotel called Royale Bintang (hopefully I didnt spell wrongly). Nice hotel, with super single beds, comfy pillows, bath tub, a lousy tv, boiler. The usual you will expect from a hotel, but of course, way smaller than the TS hotel. TS hotel will be like 3times bigger than this.
view from the hotel's cafe
My mum was like so happy to see iron and iron board over there. First time did I ever saw this 2 things in a hotel room. And she happily iron my clothes...
rare sight.
paintings on the wall in the hotel room
i can see cooling towers from my room.. lolz
yes.. i brought curly there..
After resting awhile in the room, we walked over to TS, which is the place which made me agree to go KL. =X Was just walking around, having a look at the place. The actual shopping actually start the next day whereby we stayed at time square for more than half a day, walking pass every single shop and going into half of the shops there.
first thing i bought at time square. TY top. 42RM
This doggy is actually by some hk designer or something, anyway, it came from HK though its made in china. Its a piggy bank, wanna to get it since my snoopy piggy bank is full... Finally. lolz.

Then they having this Japan GT Championship in malaysia, time square. Lots of people who own sports car, racing car, drove their cars over to time square and parked it at the main entrance, got showcasing of a few racing cars too, of course, not to forget, beauties from japan.
Cars drove in by their owners.. lots and lots of them
one of the cars being showcased there
another 1.. but of the butt. too lazy to squeeze to the front to take.
pretty girls from Japan singing some jap song at the opening.
Went to 2 thai resturants at Time Square, Johnny's Kitchen (or something) and Siam Siam. The Johnny's Kitchen is famous for their thai steamboat and the thai sauce. My second time there, its really worth it and its cheap!!!! It costed less than S$10 per person! And the share is just nice, not wasting any food nor make you feel not enough. Really very wonderful. Miss the steamboat.
one of the thai resturants we went to... aka siam siam
cool right? its the napkin from the thai resturant.
tom yum soup
chicken in pandan leaves. BEST!!! and the chilli is like so perfect with the chicken!!! love it to bits..

3 other tops that I bought. 1 from Red Zone, 1 from body golve (another 1 of my fv shop in malaysia) and the yellow 1 no idea the shop name. Each of them cost around S$20 or less only! Cheap right? Design very nice also... MUST BUY!!! lolz
Finally.. for my most prized bought this trip...

A white jacket from Body Golve. The actual price is 112RM, but because I bought this as a second piece, which have a 50% discount, it only cost 56RM, which is S$20plus ONLY! Can you believe it? So damn cheap can? At first my mum doesnt let me buy, but then I face black, then she go tell my dad, then ended up I got what I want!!!!!! I'm a happy girl. 20plus only for a jacket... cant believe it...
For the whole trip, had been shopping, walking around, snacking at odd times and at small amount to try out as many resturants and eating place as possible. Tried 2 thai resturants as mentioned above, 1 Hong Kong styled tea cafe, Secret Recipe, traditional cantonese wanton mee shop, road side food, KFC (yes, my first kfc in malaysia, kid meal somemore!!!), cant remember the rest if there's any.. lolz..
Less than 1 month teddy gonna fly. Everytime that came into topic, I have no idea how to reply the sms. One of the rare times that I actually reply him with such a short sms. Reality just hits real hard.
And also, I wont be in a pretty much good mood till I manage to get a new bag.
Last but not least, I feel so happy for kw.. =)

My mum was like so happy to see iron and iron board over there. First time did I ever saw this 2 things in a hotel room. And she happily iron my clothes...

After resting awhile in the room, we walked over to TS, which is the place which made me agree to go KL. =X Was just walking around, having a look at the place. The actual shopping actually start the next day whereby we stayed at time square for more than half a day, walking pass every single shop and going into half of the shops there.

This doggy is actually by some hk designer or something, anyway, it came from HK though its made in china. Its a piggy bank, wanna to get it since my snoopy piggy bank is full... Finally. lolz.

Then they having this Japan GT Championship in malaysia, time square. Lots of people who own sports car, racing car, drove their cars over to time square and parked it at the main entrance, got showcasing of a few racing cars too, of course, not to forget, beauties from japan.

Went to 2 thai resturants at Time Square, Johnny's Kitchen (or something) and Siam Siam. The Johnny's Kitchen is famous for their thai steamboat and the thai sauce. My second time there, its really worth it and its cheap!!!! It costed less than S$10 per person! And the share is just nice, not wasting any food nor make you feel not enough. Really very wonderful. Miss the steamboat.

3 other tops that I bought. 1 from Red Zone, 1 from body golve (another 1 of my fv shop in malaysia) and the yellow 1 no idea the shop name. Each of them cost around S$20 or less only! Cheap right? Design very nice also... MUST BUY!!! lolz
Finally.. for my most prized bought this trip...

A white jacket from Body Golve. The actual price is 112RM, but because I bought this as a second piece, which have a 50% discount, it only cost 56RM, which is S$20plus ONLY! Can you believe it? So damn cheap can? At first my mum doesnt let me buy, but then I face black, then she go tell my dad, then ended up I got what I want!!!!!! I'm a happy girl. 20plus only for a jacket... cant believe it...
For the whole trip, had been shopping, walking around, snacking at odd times and at small amount to try out as many resturants and eating place as possible. Tried 2 thai resturants as mentioned above, 1 Hong Kong styled tea cafe, Secret Recipe, traditional cantonese wanton mee shop, road side food, KFC (yes, my first kfc in malaysia, kid meal somemore!!!), cant remember the rest if there's any.. lolz..
Less than 1 month teddy gonna fly. Everytime that came into topic, I have no idea how to reply the sms. One of the rare times that I actually reply him with such a short sms. Reality just hits real hard.
And also, I wont be in a pretty much good mood till I manage to get a new bag.
Last but not least, I feel so happy for kw.. =)
Friday, June 16, 2006
all thanks to you
I will miss him lots when he's not in singapore.
Even though he might only miss his home and bed.
Well, its what he want to do, good pay, good career, good benefits as he said.
Why does everyone have to leave someday?
and all because of you, i doubt people. i fear he will just be another you. leaving someday without saying so. i fear everyone will just be like you that it hurts so bad inside. making myself so vulnerable. all because i fall for the wrong guy. and i have to pay for it for the rest of my life. when someone cares abit more about me, i will doubt them, i will question myself whether its real or not. i will question them. i will question every single one of the stuffs, just because of you. just because of the scars left over by you. while you are happily living now somewhere else in singapore, i'm living with this. all thanks to you.
my so-called new dish is a success. Finished it up in no time at all. Wonder whether I have time to do cooking next week or not. Seems rather pack to me. Had been slacking off this few days. Just dont feel like doing anything. Even if I wanna write report, there's nothing for me to write. No info. Have to wait for next week and I will be rushing like hell to come up with a report..
O ya, did I mention before? It only takes me 10mins to dress up and be presentable in town. =D Wonderful issnt it? Of course that 10mins doesnt include putting on contact lens.
Guess will blog again after I got back from malaysia...
Even though he might only miss his home and bed.
Well, its what he want to do, good pay, good career, good benefits as he said.
Why does everyone have to leave someday?
and all because of you, i doubt people. i fear he will just be another you. leaving someday without saying so. i fear everyone will just be like you that it hurts so bad inside. making myself so vulnerable. all because i fall for the wrong guy. and i have to pay for it for the rest of my life. when someone cares abit more about me, i will doubt them, i will question myself whether its real or not. i will question them. i will question every single one of the stuffs, just because of you. just because of the scars left over by you. while you are happily living now somewhere else in singapore, i'm living with this. all thanks to you.
my so-called new dish is a success. Finished it up in no time at all. Wonder whether I have time to do cooking next week or not. Seems rather pack to me. Had been slacking off this few days. Just dont feel like doing anything. Even if I wanna write report, there's nothing for me to write. No info. Have to wait for next week and I will be rushing like hell to come up with a report..
O ya, did I mention before? It only takes me 10mins to dress up and be presentable in town. =D Wonderful issnt it? Of course that 10mins doesnt include putting on contact lens.
Guess will blog again after I got back from malaysia...
Havnt pack my bag..
Just finish preparing the prawn and fish paste filling for my 'spring roll' for dinner. Never try this dish before, just suddenly have the urge to do so. =) Hopefully it will taste just as I want it to.
Yesterday went back to school to do IS project, actually planned to do both IS, but only manage to discuss about CC, WISP is still hanging there. Cant wait to see the end product of our coporate kit. After school swing by JP to get stuffs for the malaysia trip. Really really love those travel kit stuffs, esp the shampoo and conditioner, found this dove conditioner in waston, of course I bought it. lolz. Guess its not really making a profit therefore they never come out with much travel kit size stuffs... sigh...
Wednesday went to give tution again. Seems like shawn really dislike maths. Wasnt doing maths on wednesday and he's all smily, when we are doing maths the previous lesson, show me black face through out. Must think of a way for him to do his maths. Always didnt finish the work I give him and its all questions type that I did before with him...
Decided to get a new bag.. Without spending more than $100 on it. lolz.
Going off to malaysia tomorrow morning. 3days of shopping, eating, spending parents' money, eating in resturants that we wont be eating in Singapore. 3days away from my reports, from projects, from reality. And the best thing is, my phone doesnt have autoroam, cancel it away, so even if I wanna sms back I cant..
By the time I come back, teddy would have book in... sighz.
Shall just throw stuffs into the bag later.. lolz
Yesterday went back to school to do IS project, actually planned to do both IS, but only manage to discuss about CC, WISP is still hanging there. Cant wait to see the end product of our coporate kit. After school swing by JP to get stuffs for the malaysia trip. Really really love those travel kit stuffs, esp the shampoo and conditioner, found this dove conditioner in waston, of course I bought it. lolz. Guess its not really making a profit therefore they never come out with much travel kit size stuffs... sigh...
Wednesday went to give tution again. Seems like shawn really dislike maths. Wasnt doing maths on wednesday and he's all smily, when we are doing maths the previous lesson, show me black face through out. Must think of a way for him to do his maths. Always didnt finish the work I give him and its all questions type that I did before with him...
Decided to get a new bag.. Without spending more than $100 on it. lolz.
Going off to malaysia tomorrow morning. 3days of shopping, eating, spending parents' money, eating in resturants that we wont be eating in Singapore. 3days away from my reports, from projects, from reality. And the best thing is, my phone doesnt have autoroam, cancel it away, so even if I wanna sms back I cant..
By the time I come back, teddy would have book in... sighz.
Shall just throw stuffs into the bag later.. lolz
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Korea food again!!! Happy
I am so so so happy right now!
Just finish my FMM report, a report of nearly 2000 words, but the time vin add in the last system, then jas add in the specs of the equipments, sure hit the 2000 mark, might even over it. wahaha. Am I a genius or what? lolz. Ok, abit thick skinned, but then, hey, I just finished a report, have the right to be. haha. And two helps from teddy. =D I like to thank my mum for paying the electricity bill for my lappy so I can use it to type the report. Thank you to my live dictionary aka teddy. Thanks vin for answering my question. lolz. Ok, going crazy here.
Anyway, went to town with my mum today coze she need to get this special kind of shoes for her feet. I was sitting there for like so freaking long before she found the right size, right design and one that she wants. Then saw this quite good looking guy who went there with his parents, think around my age, dont look like working adult.
Walked over to Wisma for dinner after that. At first my mum told me its a resturant that she looking for, then end up is those semi-resturant in Food Republic. Saw the menu then she say dont want to eat there. -_- So ended up I got my wish of eating Korea Food AGAIN!!! wahahaha.... And its getting cheaper and cheaper. The first time I eat it in singapore it costed like $20, then $10plus and now, $7 ONLY! And its a set, kimchi, seaweed soup, BBQ pork and rice.

The BBQ Pork is more than enough for you to finish it off with your bowl of rice and its thinly sliced and full of favour. Not fatty too. Cooked to perfection. The only bad thing about this is the vege which has this bitter taste. Its like the only spoiler for food in singapore. Even malaysia vege tasted much better than those in singapore. Unless you are really into organic veges and have them at home.... Haizz.. I miss organic veges.. have them everyday in Korea.
Anyway, back to the pork, its really worth a try, and the catch is its only $7!!!! Plus, food are being served to you, if there's not much people and if you are seated within the 'resturant'. And the pork tasted almost the same as those I had in korea. And only different is I got to cook the prok myself over there so its like more freshly cooked. haha. Go try it...
Just finish my FMM report, a report of nearly 2000 words, but the time vin add in the last system, then jas add in the specs of the equipments, sure hit the 2000 mark, might even over it. wahaha. Am I a genius or what? lolz. Ok, abit thick skinned, but then, hey, I just finished a report, have the right to be. haha. And two helps from teddy. =D I like to thank my mum for paying the electricity bill for my lappy so I can use it to type the report. Thank you to my live dictionary aka teddy. Thanks vin for answering my question. lolz. Ok, going crazy here.
Anyway, went to town with my mum today coze she need to get this special kind of shoes for her feet. I was sitting there for like so freaking long before she found the right size, right design and one that she wants. Then saw this quite good looking guy who went there with his parents, think around my age, dont look like working adult.
Walked over to Wisma for dinner after that. At first my mum told me its a resturant that she looking for, then end up is those semi-resturant in Food Republic. Saw the menu then she say dont want to eat there. -_- So ended up I got my wish of eating Korea Food AGAIN!!! wahahaha.... And its getting cheaper and cheaper. The first time I eat it in singapore it costed like $20, then $10plus and now, $7 ONLY! And its a set, kimchi, seaweed soup, BBQ pork and rice.

The BBQ Pork is more than enough for you to finish it off with your bowl of rice and its thinly sliced and full of favour. Not fatty too. Cooked to perfection. The only bad thing about this is the vege which has this bitter taste. Its like the only spoiler for food in singapore. Even malaysia vege tasted much better than those in singapore. Unless you are really into organic veges and have them at home.... Haizz.. I miss organic veges.. have them everyday in Korea.
Anyway, back to the pork, its really worth a try, and the catch is its only $7!!!! Plus, food are being served to you, if there's not much people and if you are seated within the 'resturant'. And the pork tasted almost the same as those I had in korea. And only different is I got to cook the prok myself over there so its like more freshly cooked. haha. Go try it...
found him
i got a bad shock when i heard the news yesterday.
but then...
it cannot be undone.
Went to SCDA yesterday and saw the good looking guy who came to our school!!!!! So happy. lolz. Some guys are for looking. =) Learnt abit CPR and dressing of wounds, both of which I had some knowledge about, learnt CPR in lifesaving and dressing of wounds when I'm still a primary school kid. See.. my memory very good k? During primary school learn de stuffs I still remember. wahaha
Went to Jp with tong, jas and cl. After awhile jas went to find her boy boy then cl go home... Rotted around with tong at jp then decided to watch x-men, coze monday ma.. ticket cheap cheap. =X Ok, i'm a cheapo. Nice movie... the guys inside so so so cool.. Then have to sit through the credits to just watch the 2-3 seconds thingy. Well.. there's sure to be a part 4. Since the bad guy still have power and the professor issnt dead yet. Lets wait..
Got home, chatted with hh (sec sch friend), then found out sangar got deferred... letting the news i heard sank in.. watch abit of tv and i'm too tired to function.
Finally got my much needed sleep!!!!! Woke up only at around 11. =X So shiok...
Going out in the afternoon to meet my mum.. abit sian to go out.. just wanna slack today. coze tomolo hv to go out also.. tution... then sat going off le...
but then...
it cannot be undone.
Went to SCDA yesterday and saw the good looking guy who came to our school!!!!! So happy. lolz. Some guys are for looking. =) Learnt abit CPR and dressing of wounds, both of which I had some knowledge about, learnt CPR in lifesaving and dressing of wounds when I'm still a primary school kid. See.. my memory very good k? During primary school learn de stuffs I still remember. wahaha
Went to Jp with tong, jas and cl. After awhile jas went to find her boy boy then cl go home... Rotted around with tong at jp then decided to watch x-men, coze monday ma.. ticket cheap cheap. =X Ok, i'm a cheapo. Nice movie... the guys inside so so so cool.. Then have to sit through the credits to just watch the 2-3 seconds thingy. Well.. there's sure to be a part 4. Since the bad guy still have power and the professor issnt dead yet. Lets wait..
Got home, chatted with hh (sec sch friend), then found out sangar got deferred... letting the news i heard sank in.. watch abit of tv and i'm too tired to function.
Finally got my much needed sleep!!!!! Woke up only at around 11. =X So shiok...
Going out in the afternoon to meet my mum.. abit sian to go out.. just wanna slack today. coze tomolo hv to go out also.. tution... then sat going off le...
Sunday, June 11, 2006
Even though the common test week sucks totally, I still managed to feel xin fu for the later part of the week. Lucky girl arent me?
Everyone was like so stress over FMM paper due to all the well wishes we got from our other lecturers, everyone have this mind set that the paper will really be a killer. Went to school early to study, had the library room booked for the whole week. And the result, the paper really is a killer. On a serious note, the paper is not very hard, but the way its phrase etc. And the stress of it. When I stepped out of the room and think about it, really wanna cry. Should be able to do better for it. Kind of regret.
More relax for ENM paper. Whatever we are told to study, came out, as usual.
Next was BMD, stupid paper. First question is totally the same as the tutorial, I heard. I never even bother to see the tutorial paper. *oops* Lots of stuff that we studied never came out. Silly me, worrying so much over this paper. And the super silly theory of teddy's, because he is on holiday right now, the paper will be easy. -_-!!
Followed up is another killer paper. FSM. Whoever stepped out of the room curse the lec. Because we arent told to study for this certain topic and it came out! Who wont be piss? Got kind of upset over it. Even after the paper while staying in the library to study, I still feel very upset by it. Kills all the energy I have left for the next paper. Waited for sms to come, but it came too late... But late is better than none. Ended up asking tong to pei wo go walk walk before going home. Went over to westmall before heading home. Threw temper at mum because she cannot understand why I am so upset. Didnt even have a dinner. Lucky kai wah called and offered me a deal I cannot resist. A drive for dinner. Whoever in her right frame of mind who is hungry and upset can resist the good deal? Something finally cheered me up. Had nasi lemak at Old BoonLay. *xin fu*
Last day of the battle. SAM paper. Never really study for it. Just read through the night before and then in school studied with tong and vin. We never last any longer than necessary before we went crazy and fooled around in the room. Tooked silly and funny pics that was posted in the previous entry. Never knew we are so crazy. lolz.
Thanks for all the sms-es and the dinner which made me pull through the week. Without those, I wont be about to last till the last paper. Its all these that make you feel so xin fu, so blessed. 'god sent' as quoted from kaiwah. There will always be downs in life, this I know, but I'm sure this two people will always be there to back me up no matter what. Even if I'm wrong. lolz.
Shopped in town with tong they all after paper and bought 2 pairs of slippers. Got home feeling so tired but still managed to watch spirited away on tv.
Thanks tong for squeezing the notes into my tiny brain every morning before we sit for the paper. Thanks kai wah for the cheering when I was really down coze of FMM paper and for the dinner. Big thanks for teddy who is always being pestered by me since his day 1 holiday.
And to my coursemates, WE MADE IT THROUGH!!! lolz.
And then again, my ass was being saved by him yesterday night. Somehow, I can never spell the word 'convenient', my version is convient.
All the little gesture, all the little sms-es, make me feel so blessed to know the two of you. I'm a sucker for little gestures by guys, so ya, I noticed the gentleness, the care. And make me wonder why you two are still single! lolz. Wish the friendship will last for a long long time... =D
Just packed my room yesterday and threw away 4 bags of rubbish. Kicked my dad out of the room because he always nagged at how I buy stuffs and never use them and just throw them away brand new. =X Now you know where my money goes to.. lolz
Everyone was like so stress over FMM paper due to all the well wishes we got from our other lecturers, everyone have this mind set that the paper will really be a killer. Went to school early to study, had the library room booked for the whole week. And the result, the paper really is a killer. On a serious note, the paper is not very hard, but the way its phrase etc. And the stress of it. When I stepped out of the room and think about it, really wanna cry. Should be able to do better for it. Kind of regret.
More relax for ENM paper. Whatever we are told to study, came out, as usual.
Next was BMD, stupid paper. First question is totally the same as the tutorial, I heard. I never even bother to see the tutorial paper. *oops* Lots of stuff that we studied never came out. Silly me, worrying so much over this paper. And the super silly theory of teddy's, because he is on holiday right now, the paper will be easy. -_-!!
Followed up is another killer paper. FSM. Whoever stepped out of the room curse the lec. Because we arent told to study for this certain topic and it came out! Who wont be piss? Got kind of upset over it. Even after the paper while staying in the library to study, I still feel very upset by it. Kills all the energy I have left for the next paper. Waited for sms to come, but it came too late... But late is better than none. Ended up asking tong to pei wo go walk walk before going home. Went over to westmall before heading home. Threw temper at mum because she cannot understand why I am so upset. Didnt even have a dinner. Lucky kai wah called and offered me a deal I cannot resist. A drive for dinner. Whoever in her right frame of mind who is hungry and upset can resist the good deal? Something finally cheered me up. Had nasi lemak at Old BoonLay. *xin fu*
Last day of the battle. SAM paper. Never really study for it. Just read through the night before and then in school studied with tong and vin. We never last any longer than necessary before we went crazy and fooled around in the room. Tooked silly and funny pics that was posted in the previous entry. Never knew we are so crazy. lolz.
Thanks for all the sms-es and the dinner which made me pull through the week. Without those, I wont be about to last till the last paper. Its all these that make you feel so xin fu, so blessed. 'god sent' as quoted from kaiwah. There will always be downs in life, this I know, but I'm sure this two people will always be there to back me up no matter what. Even if I'm wrong. lolz.
Shopped in town with tong they all after paper and bought 2 pairs of slippers. Got home feeling so tired but still managed to watch spirited away on tv.
Thanks tong for squeezing the notes into my tiny brain every morning before we sit for the paper. Thanks kai wah for the cheering when I was really down coze of FMM paper and for the dinner. Big thanks for teddy who is always being pestered by me since his day 1 holiday.
And to my coursemates, WE MADE IT THROUGH!!! lolz.
And then again, my ass was being saved by him yesterday night. Somehow, I can never spell the word 'convenient', my version is convient.
All the little gesture, all the little sms-es, make me feel so blessed to know the two of you. I'm a sucker for little gestures by guys, so ya, I noticed the gentleness, the care. And make me wonder why you two are still single! lolz. Wish the friendship will last for a long long time... =D
Just packed my room yesterday and threw away 4 bags of rubbish. Kicked my dad out of the room because he always nagged at how I buy stuffs and never use them and just throw them away brand new. =X Now you know where my money goes to.. lolz
Friday, June 09, 2006
Freedom Restore
Blog wasnt working yesterday or somehow, so today entry will be lots of pics and abit messy. Mind abit messy too. lolz. Finally finished all my papers. Felt so relax now. Took lots of photos today and for the past few days. Never took so much pics before, besides the times I went oversea. Now, time for pics. Maybe write later.
convention centre
the part of the school that i always walked pass
another teddy bear that i bought. from 7-11. cute hor.
thursday. in library as usual
mr koh
now for the cat family.. even though i dislike cats

ah tong invented the cat face. wanna get the whole grp to do cat face but they don want! sob.
brought QQ to school on thursday
today in school! see so happy. suppose to study but still so relax.
while i was happily taking pics, tong and vin test each other SAM.
me and tong.
poor me! kenna kicked by tong.. sob. and its all happening in the library. lolz
now you see vin....
now you dont!!! wahahahaha
sexy tong
er.. this pic ar.. think abit dirty minded ba. tong's fault!!! he's the 1 who 'invented' it! i'm innocent!!!!
love this pic also. i wearing tong's coat then he 'wearing' my sweater. style right? love it.
vin's halter neck top. new fashion for guys.. who wanna buy? $35 per top. while stock last
preverted and witchy vincent! gosh.. i dunno him.
one-eyed witch.. *scary*

impossible is nothing.. so is possible suppose to be everything?hmm
even MRT is adveristing for world cup. -_- wonder how much they are paid to do so.
while waiting for train...
can see for shopping bag???
pig face!
tong say this pic nice.. so here it is..
our bags.. lolz
now my legs are really tired. too long never walk so long. tution at tomorrow morning, then i guess pack my room, slack around, distrub people, do reports. lolz

now for the cat family.. even though i dislike cats

ah tong invented the cat face. wanna get the whole grp to do cat face but they don want! sob.

now my legs are really tired. too long never walk so long. tution at tomorrow morning, then i guess pack my room, slack around, distrub people, do reports. lolz
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