Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Things just happened.. Lost
Send my lao gong go stay over in school for 1 night.
Stayed over at lene's house, watching sad love story and which star are you from.
Tues morning went back school again to see lec.
Cooked soup.
Wed go back school again and wanting to do visa.
BUT, not successful. Didnt go smoothly.
Decided to let the tour agency do everything.
Going to break down coze of this.
Thanks to teddy who was there for these few days...
Saturday, August 26, 2006
I'm getting fattttt
Had dinner at Jurong West today. BBQ fish with all my favourite dishes from the cooking stall. Wonderful. But my stomach is throwing temper again, forced me to use that er xin toilet in the coffee shop. Yucks. Saw this good looking guy there too, tan, tall, fit and had just finished a game of basketbal. Cool~
Morning when market as usual and bought lots of stuffs, coze I cooking!!!! Wahaha. There's always more stuffs when I cook. lolz.
Tution was getting from bad to worst. Shouted at Shawn real loud today. Piss me off. But after we move away from maths, he got a bit better. 6 more lessons and I'm out of it. He got 74 for his english test, pretty good I guess. Its an A!!!! lolz. But I guess coze there's no compo. O well, at least he got 70plus. Lets see how is his maths.
And finally, I got to borrow books from the library!!!!!! Been ages since I read a decent story book.
Planned my time from monday to wednesday. Since tong they all wont be around. And next monday will have to get my butt back to school for IHP till I fly. Pls pls let me fly earlier. But then again, spending birthday there will be fun!
Pretty comfortable in life right now. =)
Friday, August 25, 2006
Christina's Day
Today's my day. =)
Had my last paper in Ngee Ann today. Damn shiok I tell you. First to step out of the classroom even though I'm the third to finish. =X Ya, chicky will kill me for this. Finish the paper in like 50minutes even though I was writing very SLOWLY already!!!! Knew I will be finishing in less than 1hr so took my own sweet time writing. haha. Cool man.
Waited for wee ching after that to go find the Prof from Deakin. He's so friendly!!!! And it gave me the feeling to want to go to aussie again. The new stuffs that we will be expose to, the new things that we need to do. Interesting. Hopefully it's as fun as he said he will be. haha. Teddy say I will have a fun time there. Reddy say I cant survive there. -_-!! Anyway, I'm looking forward to it. Leaving in an apartment and travelling around. Farm stay!!!! Best.
Went Clementi for lunch after that. Wonderful. Finally got to eat the western stall I had always heard about but never did try before. Nice nice. Even their chilli sauce is different from others.
Not bad. But the share abit small. If you are a guy, confrim not enough! They have cheese sandwiched between two slices of chicken meat, and from the frying, it melted. So basically when you cut the chicken into half, cheese will flow out. Something special, but I wont try it again. And the sauce they used to go with the chicken taste special too, sweet + sour + spicy. Nice combination. Goes very well with the fries though. Nice nice. Would love to try their other dishes. MUST TRY!!!!! As in the stall. haha.
After briefing went to Westmall with tong. Had dinner at Swensen's. Wasnt really up to standard today, but the ice cream is WONDERFUL.
Was pretty bored while waiting for our food...
Do we look alike? lolz. Eyes I guess. Mine is natural big, tong's act big!
ME!!!! Lolz. Love my eyes. Wahaha
Somehow I wish the pasta not really nice today. But the crayfish is HEAVENLY! Yummy. I love fish. haha. Tong had this too. And we both agree the fish is better than the pasta itself. Wahaha. The Crayfish almost melt in your mouth, spreading the taste. Yummy. How I wish I can order crayfish pasta without the pasta. haha. That will be wonderful.
Wham Bam Yam (basically yam ice cream)
No need to write much about this. It's just yam ice cream, no idea where there's lychee there when it's yam ice cream. lolz.
my big face with the tiny ice cream
We are not fighting. We are sharing.
Last spoonful of the ice cream
Tong: lets not waste food. I lick ar!!!
I so super love it when I wear contact lens. haha. Been ages since there's an entry full of my face. After dinner we went to watch 'The Break-Up'. Really is a no link show!!!!!!!!! My god. Lucky I got the free ticket from my mum, if not my heart will break! Actress was beautiful, guys wasnt handsome. Storyline abit 'wu liao'. But kind of funny here and there. Not really worth watching actually. But if you have nothing better to do, then go watch. haha.
I love my friends. I love all my bears. =)
Back to reality tomorrow. Got to go give tution again. Sian.
Thursday, August 24, 2006
Happy Eating

Went to school to study today as usual. Love spending time with an chun and chicky. Wonderful. But make me dont wanna leave for aussie nor leave NP even more. Pretty emo nowadays because we are all going for attachment after this. The frequency of seeing each other will drop.. Sighz. I WILL MISS YOU ALL!!!!!! Thanks alot for making my life in Ngee Ann an enjoyable one. =)
Pretty bored with studying BMD. Only read through once and thats it. haha.

See lah.. My two lines settle the whole two paragraph... Boring...

My red-est bear!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The cheapest and nicest hot dog bun!!!!!!! If you are a Ngee Ann student and did not try this in your three years in NP, you dont count as one!!!! haha. So xin fu can. Manage to eat it today. Tong had one too. Then only left 1 on the counter. XIN FU!!!! Yummy.
Today had canteen 1's chicken chop for lunch, very up to standard today!!! Damn nice. Heaven. The sauce is so thick and the fries are so crispy! Yummy yummy yummy!!! Thinking about it now make me hungry. haha.
One last paper tomorrow. Last time we will all be sitting in the same room for school purpose. Last time we will be studying in NP. Last time we will be squeezing our brain cells out to answer a question in NP.
Sob. I dont want to leave NP.. This 2years plus had been one of my happiest days. So happy to know you all. Sighz.. How I wish my hands are long enough to hug all of you all at once!!!!!!
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
argh. i give up
I should be joining myself now but I'm being locked at home staring at a stack of notes that I do not understand. Argh...
Food for thought:
'Whats scary is being home at night and feeling so cold when the weather is quite warm. So damn cold that you wish someone is there to give you some form of warmth. And a guy just came running along and gave you that warm. Warming your hands and your heart. He have no idea what he did, but you know that instance, you had given your heart to him.'
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
One of my happiest day in NP.
Eating Student Meal at KFC for $3.95!!!!! Best. I rather choose KFC anytime over Mac. =X I love KFC too much.
3 sets of Zinger Meal, with the ever hungry Tong
One of the happiest thing in life is to be able to eat the food you crave for and with your friends. Had a great laugh at KFC while eating at the round cozy table. Topic of the day: guy's body part. Damn funny. Wonder the people at other table heard our conversation or not.
Tong's new turtle. VERY CUTE!!!!
But night time wasnt a very enjoyable time. First I got piss with my student because its his maths paper today and he's still fooling around. On top of that, I was being ignored. Which I really hate alot. Ended up walking home because I need the cold air on my face. Didnt manage to study much and went to sleep damn early, at 12plus.
Woke up at 6:30am today. So EARLY! Almost cant wake up. And well, to show how long I hadnt woke up early, I slept all the way through to school when I'm suppose to be studying for my paper today. Sometimes I surpise myself too. =D
Energy Management. Our paper today.
A even happier Tong coze he's the first to finish.
Pretty happy about the paper. Wasnt as bad as I thought it will be. There's some parts of theory that I do not know, but at least I wrote something and crap abit. And also to blame myself for not about to remember it, but hey, I'm bad at memorizing, so I'm pretty happy about it. And I'm the second to finish!!!! WAhahaha.
A wasted pond at NP. Heard its for some course but the pond its always so dirty, and now, there's not even water in it. Ugly.
Last minute, after feeling so high from the paper, an chun, chicky and me decided to head town for some shopping and relaxing. Its a pretty good idea for we enjoyed ourself ALOT. Partly due to us not going out often enough and of our mood today.
Had lunch at...
Tong and Cl had this bowl of normal ramen which came with a side dish of fried dumpling and fried tofu respectively. Tried the soup, had a strong taste of pork bone and it's quite milky. From what they said, its not really nice. Abit bland for tong. And the ramen's texture is that of italian noodles! Not much comment since I never eat this. But I guess it's not really worth trying coze both of them dont feel too good after the meal. $8 for a set. But I like the fried dumpling. Very nice. Wonder it's handmade or those frozen kind. No compliant from the tofu side, so I guess it's still ok.
Dry Ramen $10, add 1 plate of fish $0.90
Er... Personally, it doesnt taste like Ramen. Noodles' texture is that of Italian Noodles. FAIL. Ok, actually I was looking for the ramen taste I had in Japan. That was HEAVEN. Which explained by I never eat any ramen after coming back. And this only make me double confirm my decision. The noodles is totally different. Maybe this is one kind of ramen too, but I prefer the one I had in Japan WAY much to accept this. But the egg is really nice. If you taste carefully, you can taste the sauce they use to cook the egg. Nice. As for the fish. The most I will give it a just pass. Worth trying since it's only $0.90 with any bowl of ramen. Abit overfried. Other than that, its good. Lots of egg in it. Yummy. Overall, go try if you are feeling abit rich and willing to buy a bowl of ramen just to try their side dish.
And the shopping trip starts!!!!!
Walked back to Cathay to get the pair of heels from TinkerBell that I had setted eyes on long ago. And guess what, its less than $40!!!! Under my budget. So happy. And it fit so well, must had been made for me! I'm so tempted to get another pair of the same design but of different colour since the second pair will be 41% off. But decided against it. So HAPPY. Finally got a pair of heels that fit my legs perfectly and getting the paper bag!
Next stop, Heeren. The actually plan was of Cl buying a pair of slippers for her bf, but ended with none that caught her eyes. And we ended up wandering from one NUM outlet to another because first it's Cl who wants to look at the slippers, then become Tong wanting to look at their pants. And ya, we never enter any other shop other than NUM. Cool ar? After much wandering around, a bag caught tong's eyes. And after a even much longer decision, cl and me decided that bag should be an early birthday present for our beloved an chun dan! Li hai right? After discount of my membership card, it costed like $81. So each of us chip in abit, including ah tong.
NUM bag which held lots and lots of love
Wonderful~ Tong's happy, I'm happy, Cl's happy. All three birdy-s are happy.
Our last and final stop is at Plaza Singapura. Walked around, crap around and ended up at aracade. While there, tong spotted his favourite racing game of Mario and treated us to it. DAMN FUN!!!!! I guess we made lots of noise while playing. haha. And I came in second!!! First time in car racing that my car went in the correct direction!!!! Wahahaha. Had such a great fun playing it. Must play it again when we go PS. =D
Played as if we finished our exam.
Friday, August 18, 2006
Today, I was booked by my mum and aunt to attend my cousin's project at Sentosa. She's taking Tourism at TP, then they having this project, operating a resturant.
Been years since I step foot into Sentosa. I'm not a fan of the Sun, so I rather stay in mainland Singapore. haha. The lunch is worth the trip.
My first French Cuisine. Never mind that it's cooked and served by students one year younger than me. Not entirely seems like French food to me, more like Singapore French. haha. But it tasted excellent. O well..
Didnt manage to take the picture of the first two courses, salad and soup. Seriously speaking, didnt expect it to be so nice, therefore didnt take. =X Sorry anna. haha. Didnt like the salad. Soup is nice. But abit too liquid.
My main course. Salmon with lemon butter sauce.
Cool. I like the salmon. Have a hint of sweetness to it. I love the sauce. The sourness of the lemon with the taste of butter, add on to the sweetness of salmon, paradise! It goes very well with the butter rice too. Not too sticky, not too hard. When you put into your month, the taste of butter will just fill your tounge. Perfect. Shall ask my cousin how they cook it.
Took a bite from my mum's and aunt's share. The marsh potato is wonderful, but there's too much garlic in it for my liking. Nonetheless, its nice. As for the chicken, its wondefully cooked too. Not hard at all, soft and juicy.
Overall, I still perfer my salmon. I'm a fish eater. haha. Love the sauce ALOT! Give me anything with fish and lemon, and I'm a happy girl. haha.
some apple tart with ice cream
Too sweet. Way too sweet. The tart base is nice but just too sweet for the apple..
Thats all. =)