15 Nov 06/ 16 Nov 06
Had a combine dinner yesterday. My advance birthday celebration. Total of 7 people with LOTS of food. Each apartment (there's 3), chipped in some food, there's onion rings, vege, pasta salad, pizza like dish, chilli prawns, corn, marc & cheese.... So so so much.. and its all so tasty!!!!!!
washing after dinner. i washed 1/2 of it and got kicked out..
12am aussie time.. cake cutting..
19 candles.. -_- SO MANY!
dun mind the xmas sign in the middle. =) advance xmas celebration too.
happy little me
xing fu
mud cake.. everyone loves it..
never gd with cake cutting
1 last pic before we start eating!!!! Our Indian friends had this tradition of feeding everyone there with a mouthful of the cake and getting fed in return. Lucky theres only 5 of us there!

i feed u, u feed me..
and again..
and again...
and the last one... A home-cooked dinner, a simple cake.. What else can I ask for? *happy* Shall celebrate my birthday oversea from now on.. When I'm in Singapore, there's no cake, and both time I celebrate it oversea, I have CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mum, if you see this, you still owe me one durian cake. Dont think I forget! And you owe me since ages ago...
No thanks to my dad who remember my date WRONGLY...
Thanks to zk who finally remember, but forget my date of arrival in Singapore..
Thanks to the 4 people who appear above in the picture for the wonderful dinner and the cake..
Big thank you to cl who sms me this morning..
Thank you to charlene for her testi to me and her wishing for me yesterday.
Thanks to Liyan, friend of my bro and me, for the wishing yesterday.
XIE XIE NI MENG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!