Another long day at work. Ever since I took over that particular system, it hadnt been a smooth ride at work.
Firefighting everyday. At times it really gets depressing to see that there's nothing much we can do and that internal staffs are not understanding of our situation.
Lucky there are still people who are helpful and willing to teach. I cant wait for the day that I see this system working
W-E-L-L and optimize. Its always comforting to know that no matter what happened, your colleagues are always there to fire fight with you, some even willing to block the fire for you. I guess thats the advantage for being a fresh grad while working with people who are old enough to be our parents, grandparents.
Anyway, morning had a meeting (again). One that will even put an outsider off.
But lunch was good. Had it with the customers, one of the supplier. And guess what. At
Sentosa Golf Club!!!!! Goodness. I was so shocked to go there. But I guess being there with someone that all the staffs know has its advantages! Better service I bet.
A lunch that we all enjoyed. Both the food and the company.
I had chicken rice. Which was said to be the
MOST popular item on the menu. Claim to be sold out before 1pm. I was really amazed by the
big portion of serving.
the original table setting
chicken rice set
smooth & tender boiled chicken.

mix stir-fried vege

a BIG bowl of fragance rice

3 unselfish serving of sauces
I knew my mum will be jealous of my chicken rice. And I'm right. =) The serving of chicken was really HUGE! Can hardly finish it. But too wasted not to. Cant finish the rice. By the time I actually finish the chicken and as much rice as I can, others had already finished their main course and enjoying their coffee. -_-!! Goodness. It took me that long to finish everything! I LOVE the stir-fried vege. Heavenly. If only I can cook like this. And imagine, they have to cook hundreds of shares together, and the standard is like this! Its really love the price. S$7.90. Reaonable I should say, with the serving I got, the wonderful experience to my taste buds & not to forget, its Sentosa Golf Club. =D
Austin had Fairways Burger.
more towards Japanese style than Western.
He claim that the presentation of the whole thing is BAD! Goodness.

Pretty small portion for a guy. lolz.
I was really happy with my chicken rice. Though they are having some viet special that last only five days. lolz.
On the way back saw something very cute...

two cute & round fish