Yesterday -
13 Sept 08 - is a very eventful day for me. One of my happiest and most enjoyable day. One that I seriously
didnt want the day to end. One that I wish to remember forever. Actually wanted to blog yesterday night, but it was already 1am when I finished loading the photos to blogger. Hence the entry today..
Firstly, we got chosen for the
Food Trail organized by Lian He
Zao Bao and mum, aunt, bro and me went. Each
pax cost
$58 and we are treated to a feast a three different hotels.

Bro drove us there since there will be complimentary parking coupon given by the hotel (
meritus mandarin hotel - our 1st stop).
in the car.. First stop - Meritus Mandarin Hotel
menu - starters, chicken rice, coconut ice cream, lime juice
complimentary chicky soft toy and this chicky has some eye problem
45 pax
forced him to smile
sparkling red wine was served to go with the grilled seafood startersI had a small glass of red wine just for the taste of it. I knew bf would love this! Must be some really good wine since it
doesnt has much dryness to it.
the head chef with the organizer
startersSliced prawn & scallop with black
fugus tossed with
Japanese rice vinegar on a nice base of sliced cucumber and tomato, topped off with a very thin slice of garlic bread.
I love the black
fugus with Japanese rice vinegar. The level of sourness is just right for everyone, even those who dislike sour. And going with the sweetness of the seafood is really paradise for your taste bud! Yummy. And the scallop is really
soft and sweet. Prawn is
tender too! What you can expect from a hotel. Thumbs up!
left over by bro..
main course - the famous Chicken Rice
chicken meatWas kind of
disappointed by this main course. As you guys know, the
meritus chicken rice is a very famous and well-known. Though you might had taste you it before, once you mention
meritus chicken rice @ chatterbox, everyone will know. But after tasting it, give me
Jurong East hawker chicken rice
anyday! The chicken was tough, not tender. Kind of tasteless even. Rice
didnt carry any
fragance with it too. Though I bet they used really good rice to cook it. I like the soup though - herbal chicken rice soup. Overall a pretty disappointing experience.
my leftover..
coconu ice creamThis is NICE!!!!!!! The first mouthful of ice cream will make you go
'wow' because of the texture. They added
shredded coconut meat to the ice cream hence giving it dimension. But its very fattening! Its worth the experience.
Second stop - Park Royal Hotel
china chef...
8-treasure teaThey had a number of patterns to pour the hot water using the special teapot with a long thin mouth..
clear soup with chicken-liked tofuFirst dish served there is a
clear soup made from chicken bone, pork bone and etc etc. That white 'thing' there is actually minced chicken meat! Imagine how tiny they minced that chicken to make it look and taste like tofu! Skill indeed.
This was so-so...
china-style dumplingThis is good! Cooked in soup rather than pan-fried like those we normally have. Though the skin is of certain thickness, you
dont really get sick of it. Prefer it with lots of vinegar.
Thats who I love my dumpling.
Green bean porridge with 3 sidesIt tasted just like porridge cook in green bean soup! I very much like my green bean soup and porridge
separated. Thank you very much! But a pretty
ok combination. Tasted funny but its not that its not nice. Just weird. The 3 sides give the porridge more taste and also some bites.
On our way to the last stop.. Sheraton Hotel off Newton.
Third stop - Italian dessert @ Sheraton Hotel
Italian chef

3 style dessert
creeps with homemade vanilla ice cream
I tell you, the ice cream is something worth for you to spend your money on!!!!!! It tastes so different from outside! This is then what I call vanilla ice cream!!!!!!!!! No other ice cream can fight with this.
Hungry? lolz. The desserts is really heavenly and the standard of hotel.. Unlike that chicken rice. *sighz* I had a wonderful time tasting all the dessert slowly. Letting each one melt in my mouth and fill my taste bud with the taste of it. Love it.. Its worth going there for high-tea or just to chill out when you feel like you have spare money to spend. lolz.
voting for our favourite place and dish
After the whole event of food trail, met up with bf at Taka to Art Friends in order to find scrap book material etc etc. He settled on one black scrapbook and some metallic markers. Wonderful! Finally settled. On my heels for one whole hour before he turned up.
Light dinner at Cathay Cine - Chicago Steakhouse. All because I wanna get my taste buds on their soup in bread bowl. One item that I had always wanted to eat since I went there with lene ages ago. But always not available whenever I went with bf. Since I didnt feel like eating much, this is just nice for my dinner.
Went Shin Bar with bf thereafter to meet Ah boon, and another friend. Bf sis also working there. Was a romantic walk from Raffles Station to Shin Bar since we took the river side route. =X Was enjoying the walk with bf while enjoying the night life in Singapore.
Played dia dee with them till bro came to pick me up at 10plus pm. It was one of the rare times I tag along with bf to go to meet his friends. Though been one year, but we hardly meet each other friends. Personal space. =)
This is my first 21st birthday present, 2mths in advance. =)
Thank you bf for splurging on me.
he spoiled me