Valentine Day 2011
Its our 3rd Valentine Day together. And like previous years, we didnt really celebrate. Just a simple dinner due to various reasons e.g. poor & rushing service for places that offer V-Day menu. Both of us dont appreciate a rush meal nor under-standard food. No compliant though, as the main celebration for us is our anniversary in July.
But like any couple, I would really love to express my appreciation that Darren makes (and continue to do so) me into a better person.
His endless love
His unquestionable trust
His guardians when I'm lost
His support when I needed that little bit of encouragement
His protection from 'evil'
His familiar scent - Unforgettable
His always warm and assuring hugs
His gentle caring
His nagging that warms and irritates me both at the same time
He also taught me to be more social
More caring
More forgiving
More loving
More happy
More strong
Less emo
Less fussy
Less angry
Less stubborn
And most importantly, to have more FUN!
I never knew I can be so happy.
He taught me the real meaning of enjoying life and living it to the fullest.
Dar, thank you for coming into my life and allowing me to enter yours too.

my prefect man