Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Mr XX commented that I hadnt update my blog for a very long time. And since Im having one free day at home due to stomach flu, decided to update here. Fulfilling his reading pleasure.. =)

Work was usual. Crazy but still, getting abit immune and adapting the 'do-all-i-can' tactic. The to-do list is ever growing, how to meet all the expectations? Can only do what I can within my own means. Im no super woman. I only know the solution when I have met with a similar one in the past. O well.

And you know what, hes making me cry every Sunday. Not the sad heartbroken crying. But the touch-your-heart-deeply cry. Somehow, for the past few Sundays, we had been having these conversations on how we wont leave each others no matter what. Having abit of down-ness due to some stuffs but he assured me time and again he will be there. It was important to me. Though I have everything else, he's support meant more than anything. Only he's able to make me secure in this insecure being of myself. He touched not only my heart, but my life too. That stubborn-bad-temper girl is now less stubborn less bad temper.

Dar, thank you.

You made me complete.

Nothing else will change this.

Sunday, June 05, 2011

The past week was bad. Because I have to eat all my dinner x 5days all by myself! Boyfriend was busy with camp due to the new batch of trainees. Felt so lonely. And worst, eating for the sake of eating. Dont enjoy a single bite at all.

Its a first.

I never felt theres a problem with dinner alone, especially since I will just buy home. And having not have dinner on weekdays previously due to school seems pretty normal to not have homecooked food. But this time round was bad. Felt so alone. And life-less. Boyfriend laughed when I told him, because he was my dinner-mate for the past few weeks.

Finally on Friday we had something nice. Refused to OT too!

Went gym on Saturday. Felt better. After sweating and just steaming myself in the steam room. Cooked dinner and pop over to boyfriend's house to rest. The bed is really super comfy! Slept all the way. Phone rang but never got woken up. A rare thing. And slept till 11. Another rare thing.

I drag tomorrow.
There's a 'war' in the afternoon.
Not like each day is not a fight on its on already.