One week after our anniversay, we had our second road trip to Malacca with my brother and friends. The trip was WAY better than the last. A memorable trip.
Just the drive over was way better. I didnt have any headache nor feel too digusted by the loads of houseflies. And guess what, I bathed in COLD water throughout the whole trip. Because there's no heater in the house that we stayed in.
Also had a super good shopping trip. The shopping center was having a mega sale, ranging from 10% to 70%!!! My most happy buy is a local designer top that was on 70% sales! Mega happy. Then also a few shirts for meeting.
The trip was also full of heavenly tasty local delights and nonetheless, CHEAP! Its cheap compared to singapore currency. Its only in Malacca that I allow myself to enjoy a pot of flower tea with cakes. Yummy. Just the though of it and I miss the food there.
Cant wait for the next trip. It was a good break from work.