Bought him for massage too! Which was his first full body massage locally. =) Nothing amazing, but something that hopefully he will remembers, given his lousy memory.
Hmm... What else...
Altec aka boyfriend's bao bei came over for a little surprise and cake cutting session. Then we popped over to JP for movie. Johnny English was super FUNNY!!!!
Actual day birthday lunch was at Ma Mansion. A wonderful meal that we both enjoyed. The day ended with prawn fishing with Altec.
Simple right? We did a number of stuffs, but nothing amazing. But hope Mr Boyfriend enjoyed his 24th still. =)
Dar, hope you truly like the small little celebration that I planned for you.
I promised you that I will not spend too much on your birthday and I kept my promise! =) These are the littl stuffs I had always wanted to do for you.
Though the dishes were not that great, they are cooked with love.
Though the cake was not perfect, I was thinking about you while making it.
Though the lunch was not the atas place I initially wanted to bring you to, I know it's still a place that you will enjoy.
It's your special little day.
And I'm glad that you are born.